E4: One Worry at a Time

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I look up.

My mother is standing before me with a silver staff in hand.


I was in the middle of magic practice with mom.

"My apologies mother." I reply before holding up the wooden wand in hand.

"You seem distracted Ernamaria."

Even while in her vibrant purple dress she showed no hindrance in moving about.

"What's on your mind?"

What's on my mind right now?

A lot of things actually, but right now...

"Around this time the knights would be training out in the courtyard." I tell her. "From here we'd hear their cries echo in the distance. Now their cries can be barely heard if you try to listen to them."

My mother hummed before looking up into the distance.

"It's been a couple of months since several of the knights left for their mission." She says.

"Quite a lot of them have left." I say.
"Are you worried about someone in particular?" She asks.
"I'm worried about the safety of all our knights." I reply
While it is true I'm worried, I'm sure he'll be okay.
He's too clever and too stubborn to be taken out by whatever is out there.

"Is that true? I think you're worried about the safety of one in particular."
I look up at her with a straight face.
"I don't know what you're talking about."

"No need to be shy about it my daughter. I've already noticed the changes in your habits due to the removal of a certain person."
Wait. Changes in my habits?
Did I do anything strange that I wouldn't normally do?
No, I don't think I did.
"You're probably not aware of it yourself, but you've been visiting the training field more recently than you normally do." My mother says. "Stranger still, you don't go to practice your swordplay most days. Instead, either simply sit and read or gaze longingly into the distance.


Come to think of it.

I have been going outside and hanging around by the fields more.

But most days it just because i don't wanna be inside alon-


"Seems like you've noticed." She smiles "It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Your a lot older than before so feeling are bound to change as you grow older."

I light up. "Mother! What are you talking about?"

"Oh my. So flustered." She teased. "Don't worry, even if you aren't aware of your feelings you will be some time soon."

Wait, does she think the relationship between the two of us is romantic!?

Whoa whoa whoa!

Hold on!

We're just friends. Literally just friends.

There is nothing between the two of us aside from the secret we share.

Still, is that how people see us?

"Though if I offer you a little advice?"

She's still going?

"It might do well to be more honest with your feelings."

"Mother, trust me. I am being honest with myself." Tell her feeling some heat come to my cheeks.

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