E11: Let's Start the Hunt

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It's only been a couple days with these dragons, and yet I've already had enough experiences to last a lifetime.

Fighting B- Ranked and A-Ranked monsters, even fighting and defeating an S-Rank monster. I just can't keep my thoughts in line.

This madness all started a night ago. The mother dragon, Ennith, had just finished giving her children their names, and had introduced herself.

“<My name? It's Zelphennithros.>” She says smiling.

It was such a strange name, but what came next was even stranger. One by the little dragons began wobbling and dropping to the ground. Some managed to lower themselves down beforehand, but they all suddenly started to pass out.

“<Ennith, you know your name pacifies those who hear it.>” The large dragon father says.

“<You say that like it's a bad thing. Besides its only pacification, it's nothing dangerous like yours.>”

“<What's going on?>” I ask, watching the newly named white dragon, Felsaneo, be one of the last dragons to fall to the ground. I hurried to his side and gave him a small push.

“<Hey. Are you okay?>” I turned to another little dragon and pushed at them and then another, trying to wake them up.

<“Oh? You're still awake.”> Ennith leaned over to me before gently grabbing me with one of her claws. “<I knew your mental prowess was strong, but this?>”

The father dragon, Farris, was it? spoke up. “<Ennith what are-?>”

“<I want to check something Farris.>” Ennith takes a moment, using her tail, to carefully gather the little dragons together. When she finished she smiled warmly at them, turned away, and walked with me in hand. Passing by Farris, she sing songs out “<I'll be back later.~>”

Farris growls before scoffing with a small puff of smoke.

Heading outside, I was greeted by a sight of a large mountain range overlooking a large forest. Even in the dark of night I could tell the area was vast. Well my thoughts on this matter quickly changed as Ennith spread her wings outward and began to fly with me still in her claw.

“<Psychological Nullification is not an easy skill to obtain. To gain it one has to go through mental pain equivalent to a mental breakdown. In most cases, one's own psych would shatter leaving the owner like that of a living doll.>” She looked in my direction, smiling gleefully “<You keep growing more interested by the minute. I wonder, what will your future bring you? What form will your power take?>”

She lands atop the mountain and drops me down in the center of its peak. Literally dropped me. It hurt a lot less than I thought it would, but it was still surprising and painful. “Hrmnnnngh…” I groan out looking up at her.

<“Before we do anything else, let's see where you stand. Release all your magic. I want to see everything you can possibly do.”> 

Release all my magic? Such a strange request. “<So just use a very big spell, right?>”

“<Something of that effect. Circulate your mana through your body, then let it all flare out.>”

I stare at her silently for a moment. “Huh?” 

“<Circulate your mana through your body->”

“N-No,  I heard you the first time just…” I look at her completely shocked. When it comes to mana, it's closely linked to one's life and well being. Just like blood through the body, mana also circulates around through veins in the body. Releasing mana throughout your body isn't dangerous in small amounts, but releasing it all at once could have dangerous consequences. <If something goes wrong. Won't my entire body be affected?>”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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