4: Family

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Some time has passed since my hatching and my life started falling into a routine.

I wake up.

I play with my siblings.

I get licked by my mom.

I go through fire breath hell.

I get licked again.

I eat

I play again

I go to sleep

I noticed that 'dad' isn't home most of the day.

Most of the day he leaves and only comes back with food.

He only watches us before and during meals, and always slips out somewhere between that.

I'm fine with that.

He seems very judgmental.

He looks down at us from on high and seems disappointed most of the time.

I don't know what I did, but he seems to keep an eye on me the most.

Speaking of food I've noticed something about it.

All the food is tigers

Red tigers, green tigers, horned tigers, winged tigers.
Tigers, tigers, tigers; all of them are tigers!

I think dad has a hatred for tigers.

I remember from somewhere that there was a saying that 'the only species that can equally challenge a dragon is a tiger.'

Maybe it's something like.

He's protecting his home from a surplus of challengers.

Nah, he doesn't seem like someone who would do that.

He's probably doing what I've been trying to do.

Increasing his skills and power.

Yeah, these past few days, or at least I think it's been a few days, I've been trying to increase my skill's levels.

Where am I at right now?
Well...Let me check.

Magma Dragon Wyrmling (Variant)

HP: 40

MP: 20

ST: 87%


「Scratch Lv3」「Fire Resistance Lv7」「Pain Resistance Lv5」「Observation Lv3」「Hidden Lv???」

Oh...not bad.

Both my「Scratch」and「Observation」are at Level 3

My Resistances for pain and fire have also gone up some.
I say some but, they've both gone up quite a bit haven't they?

Both are mostly due to mom's fire breath.

Her flames haven't hurt any less though

Now that I think about it, I think they've started to hurt more.

Has she been increasing the power on us bit by bit?

Skill Up!

「Observation」has reached Level 4

Well, that's one way to confirm something.

I'm still trying figured out about the skill「Observation」

I think it's an ability about making deductions and picking up on information I knew before.

It tells me information I want to know about myself, as well as any simple information I know from others.

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