37: Foxes (II)

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Skill Up!
「Tracking」has reached Level 4

I slide to a stop once I start seeing foxes and quickly hide.

I sneak around the edges of the forest and look to see what's happening.

The foxes seem to be keeping their distance from a large fire around them.

With the surrounding trees also dyed red from flames it looks like a dangerous situation.

In the flames I see my siblings together.

Zelfeijoas and Relitiesia.

Both of them are in bad shape, especially Zelfeijoas.

His back leg looked torn and ripped at, even from a distance.

For now let's try and find the leader of this group.

From the last group one of them let out a few howls and yelps as if giving commands to the others.

If I can find the boss of these foxes, then I can take them down.

And judging from the collection of Yokinar and Vulrena, I can safely guess the boss is probably the strongest of the Yokinar, so…


Male Yokinar

HP: 86%
MP: 84%
SP: 74%
ST: 78%

ATK: High
DEF: High
SPD: High
INT: Average

Male Yokinar

HP: 100%
MP: 80%
SP: 90%
ST: 98%

ATK: Average
DEF: Average
SPD: High
INT: Average

Male Yokinar

HP: 98%
MP: 82%
SP: 90%
ST: 89%

ATK: High
DEF: Average
SPD: High
INT: High

Male Yokinar

HP: 86%
MP: 90%
SP: 66%
ST: 99%

ATK: High
DEF: Average
SPD: High
INT: Average

Four of them.

From the looks of it, it seems like the third one I saw is the strongest and smartest of the bunch.

That means it's probably the leader.

I'll sneak up as close as I can to it and attack from there.

My siblings are still in trouble, but I think they're fine for now.

The vulrenas aren't trying to attack, and their numbers aren't growing.

Now I just need to get close to them and strike their weak point.

「Weak Point Search」

A glowing light shows up on the back of the Yokinar's neck.

There's another light showing up on the underbelly of the white fox as well.

That light was also lit up, though the light was more pink than the one on the foxes' neck.

Well between the two, I'm aiming for the neck to keep it from giving out more commands.

Slowly, I sneak up as stealthy as I can.


Move Slowly.

We don't want to get caught now.

Just a little bit…


I jump at the fox, claws out and fangs bared towards its neck.

It was quick to react and turned just in time to avoid my fangs on its throat.

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