Membrane x Fem! Android! Reader (Smut/Fluff)

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Membrane's POV

I watched as the metal on the table began to secrete a thick layer of a rubber-like substance. Just like in the tests. Only, this was different from the tests. Before, there was nothing. In their head, I mean. Well, there was something, but nothing was processing other than the preliminary functions.

The "brain" was only regulating the involuntary functions of a human. The "human" was only capable of pumping their lifeblood through their hydraulics and recycling it. But we were out of the experimental phase. And time was of the essence.

Tissues formed on top of the metal at an incredible rate. The sexual and secondary sexual organs, however, were left exposed. I would have covered them beforehand, but the skin would form over top of it. That would be no good, so it was left open. A shirt and underwear would be handed to her immediately upon proof of consciousness.

The tissue and skin had finished generating. I grabbed the garments from the pile and walked into the room.

"Welcome to Membrane Labs: 'Who Wants a Better Everything?'. You may be wondering what you're doing here. Well, you are the pinnacle of artificial intelligence. And this is the test to see if we've perfected it. Now, what are the first five letters of the English alphabet?"

The girl sat up, looked down, and instead asked, "Why an I naked?" Behind the glass, a slew of researchers furiously took notes. I handed her the shirt and underwear. I closed the curtains in the room, shielding her from more looks from my employees; it clearly made her uncomfortable.

"Are you finished putting everything on?" I asked.

"It's..." she began, "a little tight." She didn't seem uncomfortable with me in the room, so I turned around to look at her.

It was absolutely breathtaking. The clothes fit all her curves, and, in places, the lack thereof. "Tan perfecta..." I said under my breath. My face was naturally pale, so it wasn't too far off to say I was beet red. But it suddenly occurred to me that there were people behind the curtain.

My blush faded and I went outside, the curtains still shut. I locked the door behind me so none of my employees would try something. I went down to the lost and found and dragged out a coat. It was more like a pullover than anything, but it should fit her. I made my way back to the room.

"Sir, if I may-"

"You may not," I said to the researcher. "You are dismissed. The experiment was a success, very scientific, yes, now go find yourselves a project to work on."

"What about-"

"She is now my responsibility. Now go." I was being harsh, but I didn't care. I had created life, and I had to protect it the best I could.

I went into the room and handed her the pullover. Luckily it fit. She gave me an appreciative smile and asked what she was supposed to do now.

"Well, you can start by going home with me," I deadpanned. She blinked, then shrugged.

I guided her out of the building, holding her hand so she wouldn't get lost. We hopped into the car; she rode shotgun. The drive home was filled with comfortable silence—the kind where you don't want anyone to speak and break the calm.

When we got home, I helped her out of the car and walked with her inside. She took off the pullover and tied it around her waist the best she could. I couldn't help but look at her body. It was so beautiful...

Trying to distract myself, I asked her to make dinner. I pulled open a cookbook for her and let her get to work. I stood a ways away, but not too far.

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now