Membrane x Male! Assistant! Reader (Smut)

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AU: ETF but Zim stays schmoopy.

(Y/N)'s POV

I adjusted Membrane's signature collared lab coat as the sound of people entering rang in from the house to backstage. Situated in front of the two of us was a gigantic television screen connected to a camera monitoring the house.

One wouldn't expect him to be nervous, but Membrane was. He was terrified. He had been made aware of electrical problems in town, and was worried his son, Dib, might try to bring — what did he call it? His "jalada no científica"? That sounds about right. He was worried basin might try to bring that stuff to the keynote and divert attention to himself. He didn't want his son to be made a fool of. No one should want that for their child.

But that nervousness was making him look disheveled.

I finished fixing his appearance and watched as he ran a hand down his hair spike, smoothing it. "You're on in one minute."

He nodded and stepped onto the platform that would rise to meet the stage. Once I gave him a thumbs up, the platform began to rise, and he spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" His voice boomed through the speakers embedded within the stadium. The crowd roared ruthlessly, awaiting his every word.

He waited for the platform he was in to rise before beginning, "I am so very proud to announce..." When he was flush with the floor, he continued. "The new, Peace Day Edition... MEMBRACELET!"

The crowd was screaming his praise. But they grew quiet when he held a hand out to signal the cheering should momentarily cease.

"But I'm sure you're wondering, 'Why do I need a new Membracelet?' Well, my dear consumer, I'll tell you."

"The Membracelet was originally meant for children to stimulate their minds as well as help them keep in touch with the ones they hold dear. It can run sensory engaging apps such as Peanut Simulator, and newly added Bloaty's Puzzle Hog, that sharpen the reflexes of children across the world."

"'But Professor', you're saying, 'What's so different about this version other than a few new apps?'" He paused.

"Well, it's simple. As you know, tomorrow is Peace Day, and nobody is as excited for the celebration as I am!"

A random man from the crowd waved his arms, screaming "I AM!"

Membrane shot up towards the man, rocketing up the stairs to shout in his face: "NOT SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE!"

"Miguel, get back to the stage like a good boy." I whispered into my earpiece. He shrank away from the man, doing as I asked.

Sighing, and regaining his composure, he resumed his speech. "Children. We discovered they generate an energy field of limitless chaotic potential. We call that child energy: CHILDERGY. The new Membracelet harnesses that Childergy and channels it outward as pure PEACE and JOY."

The crowd ooh-ed and aah-ed as he explained how the device worked.

"Tomorrow, children will hold hands, encircling the planet in Membracelets, to bring about a peace unlike any the wORLD HAS EVER KNOWN!"

The crowd returned to its raucous state. But suddenly, the power went out. Screams rang out from a few frightened individuals, but that's what you get for holding a keynote event in a town with unreliable energy. The backup generator quickly kicked on and the screams quieted.

I saw sweat bead on his forehead. It wasn't that noticeable, but I knew where to look. He let out a deep exhale. "Well, now that we're a bit less powerless..." The screen behind him switched to a picture of the Membracelet in four different colors. "We have Membracelets in multiple colors — for all styles and fashions!"

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now