Membrane x Sleep Deprived! Male! Reader (fluff)

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faepauff it's about fucking time you requested something. You've been here since the beginning and I'm so happy to finally do something for you!!

Also RealityCore I want you to know you are singlehandedly responsible for me continuously procrastinating on the yandere pt 2 thing. It's you. Congratulations. How does the honor feel???

Outside POV:

Professor Membrane was the leading force of a scientific renaissance. He had found the barrier preventing humanity to travel beyond the horizon line. And he crushed it. Interstellar travel was now possible for humankind. Membrane was a person that would go down in the history books.

His dear friend, (Y/N), was a first responder—more specifically, an EMT. While it wasn't as important to the world as Membrane was, it was certainly more stressful. Everyday you could get called to respond to a sore throat or a burn victim. After witnessing his first death on job, it definitely took a toll on their psyche.

Watching a complete stranger is one thing. Having to try and stop the blood loss that was caused by some idiot getting impaled, however...

As a result, he often had sleepless nights. Whether it be from rushing to get someone to a hospital or the guilt that came with the failure was anybody's guess.

Membrane new this was bad for (Y/N), but what could he say to him? That enjoying your own life was more important than the loss of multiple? Of course not that sounds insensitive. But Membrane often spoke bluntly and could never find a better way to phrase it. So he kept quiet.

Until one day where (Y/N) called him near midnight. His speech was slightly slurred and Membrane could hear the tired drunkenness in their voice.

"Heyy Professor~" (Y/N) drawled. This was going to be a long night.

"Yes, (Y/N)?"

"I knoww we doon't talk much anymorre, but, uhhh, could you? pick me up toniight?" Membrane sighed before asking for the address.

He hastily got into his car and drove over to get (Y/N). He was so irresponsible. How did he even manage to make it through the day if he can barely stay awake half the time?

It was a desolate drive towards the bar (Y/N) was at. Even his favorite music didn't help distract him from his thoughts. He didn't take (Y/N) for a drinker, but he was wrong about lots of things when it came to people. He dealt with space. Not people.

"-And thassss my ride!" (Y/N) howled to a group of drunks that were with him. A strong red flushed his cheeks. "Bye guyssss! Au revoir!!" They cheered him on as he stumbled into Membrane's car.

"WHA- SHOTGUN!!" He jumped into the seat next to the driver as he uselessly fumbled with the seatbelt. With a tired sigh, Membrane buckled him in. "Thaaank youu, babyyyy!!"

As much as that was cute, he couldn't laugh. (Y/N) was in a drunken stupor. But then again, a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts. Membrane blushed at the thought. 'No no, that's ridiculous' he thought.

"You're going home." He spike in a stern tone, like a mother scolding her child. (Y/N) deeply frowned, crossed his arms, and puffed out his cheeks, like a little kid. He was probably imagining a ninja running on top of the buildings they passed like one too. He always was childish. Membrane liked that in him. He could somehow have such a bubbly personality despite the threat of death looming over his hands.

'How would he act if he wasn't tired?' Membrane wondered. Every time they had managed to see each other, (Y/N) had his hair pulled back (guys with long-shoulder length hair, y'all are so valid. Y'all get a ponytail/bun if you want lol) with dark circles under his eyes. And every time, he was chugging coffee. Black, apparently. As an EMT, he probably never got any true sleep.

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