Storm Drabble

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pmakosr ty bestie for the idea

Outside POV

(Y/N) jumped at the flash of light filling the room. And just as quick as it came, it was gone, leaving the room back to its vast darkness. Soon after came the loud rumble that shook them to their core.

They hid under the quilt on the bed. It had been in their family for generations. It wasn't one that was continuously added onto, however. Which was good because (Y/N) was a terrible sewer. Their hands were too shaky to ever thread a needle.

And right now, they couldn't even hold a glass of water.

They fumbled for their phone, trembling as they attempted to dial up the one person who could calm them down.

The phone rang. Once. Twice. He picked up.

"M-Miguel?" (Y/N) said shakily. Hopefully he doesn't notice.

"(Y/N)," he paused, "¿Qué mal?" Shit.

"Can I...can I come down to see you?"

"No conduces aquí. Te recogeré.

"Mem, you really don't have to-"

"Dije yo fui. Fin de la discusión."

He hung up the phone. They sighed. They grabbed their favorite blanket and a small comfort object and waited at the door. Every now and then, lightning and thunder reigned supreme. In those moments, it was the only thing they could hear. In those moments, Membrane couldn't come over fast enough.

But eventually, they heard their doorbell ring. He stood outside with a black umbrella. And he saw (Y/N), cloaked in the blanket, holding their favorite object. They were sniffling.

"Oh. Dios mío, (Y/N). ¿Llorabas mucho antes de que llegara?" They nodded their head—barely enough to tell it was a nod, but a nod nonetheless.

He wrapped them up in his arm and pressed them to his chest. He tried to hold the umbrella a bit more over them so the blanket wouldn't get wet.

They got into his car, (Y/N) getting the shotgun seat. They curled up in their blanket and buckled in, hugging the comfort object.

Membrane turned the keys, and the engine revved to life.

"Vamos a mi casa." He looked at (Y/N) and held their face for a moment. "Pronto..." he began, "llegaremos pronto."

The radio crackled to life. A slow love song. In Spanish. Amongst the rain and thunder, they could hear Membrane softly singing along.

"Quiero tenerte muy cerca
Mirarme en tus ojos
Verte junto a mi
Piensa que tal vez mañana
Yo ya estaré lejos
Muy lejos de aquí"

The two of them sat there listening to him mumble the lyrics under his breath, up until they got to his house. He got out the umbrella while (Y/N) waited for Miguel to get to them.

He sat down on a worn recliner and patted his lap.

"Toma asiento, conejito," he said.

They crawled up onto his wide lap. It was wide enough that they could face sideways. They leaned against his tummy as their head rested on his broad chest.

The sound of his heart beat calmed them. Immensely. They snuggled further into his chest.

"Jaja, ¿te gusta mi latido?" Miguel chuckled. Smiling, (Y/N) nodded. Or they nuzzled into his chest. One of the two.

"¿Quieres que cante por ti?"

"Mhmm." (Y/N) yawned.

"Cuál canción?"

They stayed silent for a minute, before speaking up. "The song on the radio. You were singing along to it."

"Si, ¿qué pasa con eso?

"Could you sing that for me? Please?" (Y/N) said.

Miguel smiled. "Claro, mi conejito."

He cleared his throat and began to sing.

"Bésame, bésame mucho
Como si fuera esta la noche
La última vez

Bésame, bésame mucho
Que tengo miedo a perderte
Perderte después"

His deep baritone voice was like butter. So smooth and velvety. (Y/N) yawned and snuggled closer to him.

"Bésame, bésame mucho
Como si fuera esta la noche
La última vez

Bésame, bésame mucho
Que tengo miedo a perderte
Perderte después"

With each word (Y/N) grew more and more safe. They were protected. And soon, they were asleep.

"Oh, (Y/N)," Miguel began, "no sabes cuánto te amo."

685 words

Y'all need something to prepare you for what is next. So you get something sweet. :)

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