Mad Scientist! Membrane x Male! Experiment! Reader (Fluff)

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AN not requested just bored during school lolol
It's a Frankenstein and Frankenstein's Monster kinda thing. This is entirely for me I'm treating myself,,,
Plus I could use a goretober drawing for this lolol
I'm so lucky I got some friends that know other languages. Like I have a few friends that know french, I can speak a bit of Norwegian and Spanish with bits of a few other languages, I got a friend in Sudan, one in the Philippines, one of my friends is actually from Germany, one of my neighbors is from India, and if push comes to shove? Google Translate.

Outside POV

Most people were aware of Membrane Labs. They had taken complete control over the scientific industry and nearly monopolized commercial markets worldwide. Famous for several discoveries over human biology, quantum mechanics, space exploration, interstellar space travel, and several more that would take too long to name. But the general public was unaware as to what happened behind the limelight. There was an undisclosed project being worked on behind several sets of closed doors.

Headed by Professor Membrane himself, the project was called Operation Frankenstein.

The details were clandestine; only Membrane himself and a handful of trusted colleagues knew what was happening. There were rumors, of course. There always would be some about anything and everything. None of them were remotely true, however. Anyone who got close or spilled information would become... a part of the project, so to speak. Families would be called, saying their dear person-in-question had decided to pitch in and help aid research.

But I'm sure you know what happened to them. It's called Operation Frankenstein for Christ's sake! (rip the wall can I get an F in the chat?) Each body part of the participants were used. Brain tissue, limbs, skin, organs; they either went towards the patient or were used for fueling the fire. It was brutal, but key to the next potential step in humanity's evolution.

Enough exposition, I'm sure you all want to get to the good part already. (Press F to pay respects) Ask and ye shall receive.


Hands around the operating room trembled as they began piecing their subject together. Only the surgeon's and Membrane's were stable. Jotting down notes on the procedure as it progressed, he kept a neutral face.

There would be several scars. No matter how hard they had tried, they couldn't find enough healthy skin to place on the subject. It was the best they could do to make it mostly two skin tones. Limbs were torn apart to find out which were compatible. After the host is deceased, the body begins to decompose—the remaining bacteria in the intestines and occasional gallbladders swarmed into the flesh and tissue, making it unable to use properly. The tissue was only able to be recovered after an hour of death due to regulations that Membrane had set in place for the experiment. While this isn't ethical, there is no need to make it more painful than it needs to be.

Several people have "died" only to return several minutes later. Recent diseases occasionally reanimated them after several hours. The best way to ensure the patient would be healthy would be to wait until the chosen body was clearly dead, but before they have a chance to become a "zombie".

The surgeon was currently connecting loose nerves, muscles, bones, and veins before the patient would receive the brain they were to be given.

It was certainly not one brain, but it clearly wasn't multiple. As previously mentioned, brain tissue was pulled from several subjects. The tissue was collectively enough to make one full brain. The brains were pulled from subjects of several nationalities and regions. The true test would be to figure out if all this work was for naught.

The surgeon looked over to Membrane, nodding as he took a cooler from an assistant. The skin around the top of the skull was cut, revealing the skull. After it got the same treatment, the small plate of bone was set aside. The brain was taken from out of the cooler and carefully aligned with the already present brain stem. After a few minutes of prepping the body, the bone was returned and the skin was sewn back together.

With an electric shock or two, the body began to convulse to life. After a few minutes, it stopped and sat up straight. "Agh, ma tête." They spoke in a low alto, causing the scientists to write down an assumption that the "they" that was documented was probably more of a "he". Regardless, the subject looked around the room. "انتظر أين أنا?" Notes were furiously scribbled as paper threatened to rip under the pens and pencils.

"Was ist los, 為什麼我在這裡?, kuka olen?!" He spoke too fast to properly understand, but it clearly was a multitude of languages.

"Guards, restrain him before he hurts himself!" Membrane boomed from under his collar. The subject writhed and squirmed as the guards tried to capture him. "отпусти меня, Я не должен быть здесь!"

"Relax, dear. I'll answer all your questions in due time. You'll understand soon enough." His deep baritone voice sent shivers down the other's spine. 

The subject took a shaky breath before looking cautiously up at the man in front of him. "Cuál es...¿cuál es mi nombre?" The man in the lab coat whipped his head around. He locked eyes with the other before slowly deciding upon something for him.

"How about... (Y/N)?" he asked, tilting his head slightly to the side.

"(Y/N)." The male strapped to the table tried out his new name, seeing how it felt on his tongue. He smiled. "Jeg liker det. Jeg heter (Y/N)." (Y/N) looked up at Membrane with hopeful eyes. Together, they might be able to figure him out.

978 words
Kinda short but I really wanna do a part two!! Let me know if you want it too!! As you can see, there's a lot of different languages used in this, so I've opted to put the English translations before what it says in the story. It goes in the order it happens, so you don't have to work as much. Don't forget to correct me if I got anything wrong!! If I did, I'd seriously rather fix it than not know lol


- my head (French) ma tête
انتظر أين أنا wait, where am I? (Arabic) -
- what's going on? (German) Was ist los
- why am I here? (Chinese) 為什麼我在這裡
- who am I? (Finnish) kuka olen
- let me go (Russian) отпусти меня
- I'm not supposed to be here (Russian) Я не должен быть здесь
- what is my name? (Spanish) ¿Cuál es mi nombre?
- I like it (Norwegian) jeg liker det
- My name is... (Norwegian) jeg heter...

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