Quarantine Drabble

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Membrane sighed with (Y/N) in his lap. He stroked their hair methodically. The fire crackled beside the couch. Gaz was playing in her room. Dib was hanging out at Zim's house. They'd grown closer as friends over the past few days, so they decided to play some video games. (Y/N) only remember this because they had to help him decide what to take so that he wouldn't upset his sister. They smiled at the memory.

(Y/N) pulled themself closer into his chest. He was warm. They melted into him.

"You seem happy, dear." He whispered.

"I am," (Y/N) replied, "I'm with you. What more could I want?"

Membrane looked down at them and brush some hair out of their face. He wrapped his arms tighter around me. They sat like that like tomorrow was a funeral . It was quiet, somber, and calm. With a small sigh, (Y/N) began to press kisses over Membrane's chest.

"Jajaja, ¡mi amor! ¿Qué haces?" His deep rumbling voice was like a lullaby.

"Loving you~" (Y/N) said.

"Then by all means, go ahead!" Membrane laughed. (Y/N) pressed soft and rough kisses all throughout Membrane's skin. He laughed and giggled at certain spots. (Y/N) purposefully teased him by paying those spots more attention.  They laughed and snuggled closer together.

What more could anyone want?

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