Mem x Fem! Esper! Reader (H&C)

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AN emotionlessSerenity you made my job so easy like,,,, I love you full homo/hetero I'm no coward still v sorry bc despite all that this took kinda long to do sorry djskshssl
Currently working on this during a football game (only going bc of my gf sorry y'all but my broke ass is off the market at a reduced price)

Membrane POV

Out in Nevada, one of my machines picked up a strong electromagnetic pulse that managed to affect all life in a 5 kilometer radius (I think it's around 2 miles. I don't wanna actually check). There were signs that the ground had been lifted up a few meters (yards) off the ground.

While Membrane Labs was always curious of this spot, no one knew why. When asked why I always went to investigate, I always just said I was researching something specific. And technically, I was.

I had made the discovery of humans with supernatural powers. But they weren't genetically altered to be that way; their DNA just happened to have a set of genes that enabled them to harness the true power of the human brain. Some could move at insanely high speeds, some could manipulate time, some could change their physical strength, some could see beyond the veil that separated phantoms from the naked eye. The limits were theoretically nonexistent. Most, however, could mildly control gravity—causing them to be able to have apparent telekinesis. As the most popular are spirit mediums, they have been nicknamed 'espers'. When I announced the discovery that the genome was present in about 1/9 of all humans, it was only a matter of time before several started to publicly appear.

My current focus was to pinpoint the subdivisions of their possible powers. As of now, I was studying one of most powerful abilities of an esper—power over the mind of another. More specifically, I was researching a subcategory of this, telepathy. The esper's brain could read the electric signals in the brain and translate them into the person's thoughts.

The EMP was caused by an esper with this ability along with a deep control of gravity. Under the wrong circumstances, this was a recipe for disaster, so I kept close tabs on them albeit an unorthodox way. The esper was often found at our house when she wasn't as her own. She had become a family friend, of sorts.

Her name was Y/N. She was messy, dumb, and kind of naive, but that was Y/N. Y/N could make anyone smile, whether it be on purpose or not. In fact, she was almost selfless to a fault. So whenever she had a problem, she wanted to solve it herself—not getting anyone else involved with her "problems". And if she couldn't? Well, this happened.

I should check on her. Whenever this happens, something is always wrong. I stepped onto the warm-grey pad on the ground and nodded to the assistants hovering over the controls. With the flick of a few switches, turning of knobs, and shifting of levers; a transparent, cyan film rose from the circumference and formed a vial shape, encompassing me inside. The vibrant color shifted into the scenery of rocky cliffs and dusty red skies. I took a step forward and found myself immersed in the rose-toned landscape. The air itself was full of dust from the loose ground being violently lifted and slammed a myriad of times.

My boots sunk slightly into the soft ground as I headed in the direction of Y/N's house. I saw her floating a few centimeters (inches you Americans) above the ground, hair waving out around her as she clutched her temples. The large patch of ground in front of her was seated several meters away from the earth. I needed to intervene. I hesitantly took a step forward and cleared my throat.

"Y/N?!" She whipped around to look at me, eyes a milky white adorned with tears brimming at the edges. Instantly the ground plummeted sending a minor shockwave to echo throughout the nearby area. Her hair fell in front of her face and she pushed it aside. She looked at me with pleading eyes, teary and red. I quietly took her into my arms. She started sobbing into my chest, shoulders heaving every few seconds. Her breathing was ragged and syncopated if you could call it that. Gently rubbing circles in her back, I asked if I could take her back home. She slowly nodded., going limp from the physical and mental exertion. I picked her up bridal style as I headed back to the portal that went to my lab.

While I got some odd looks from newer employees, no one bothered asking me about it. I told one of the leading scientists that I would be doing some more research on how "she reacts to domestic life". She nodded and continued managing the project she was in charge of.

Y/N unconscious in my arms, I walked home. It wasn't too far, and was why I often had late nights. Dib and Gaz were thankfully well adjusted to this by now.

"What happened this time?" Gas asked, not looking away from her game. Then again, her eyes were like mine—almost always closed—it was hard to tell where she was looking if she didn't tilt her head.

I was about to answer, but Y/N started to shift in my arms. Gaz nodded and told me to go ahead and "tell her later when Y/N was calmed down". I quickly said a thank you and ducked into my private, at-home lab.

Placing Y/N on a long metal table, I hooked her up to several medical machines I had recently gotten to monitor her vitals.

Heart Rate: 86 bpm
Blood Pressure: 122/80
Oxygen Saturation: 98
Respiration: 16
Temperature: 35.5 °C (around 96 °F)

Everything looked normal, at least. That's good. Suddenly, her heart rate skyrocketed. I looked over to her, when she suddenly bolted up, screaming. Her hair flew up around her and her eyes were once again a cream color. Loose papers and light objects were lifted far away from their places. I would have to clean that up later, but this was more important. I rushed over to her, gravity seemingly increasing the closer I got.

"Y/N! Y/N LISTEN TO ME!" She was still screaming, not even noticing I was there. Muttering a quick sorry under my breath, I slapped her across her cheek. Everything suddenly stopped. She paused, now holding her sore cheek, and looked around.

"I did it again, didn't I?" She mumbled.
Her (e/c) eyes widened as she turned her gaze back to me. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Her eyes started to tear up once more.

"What are you sorry for?"

Voice cracking, she tried to say something. "I-I made you come... all the way out there and-and-and I just-" She couldn't finish what she was saying through her tears. She mumbled incoherently about what she was trying to say before finally violently spitting out, "ALL BECAUSE I GOT A FUCKING HEADACHE!" She once again broke down into tears as she pressed herself against my chest.

"Hey, it's okay," I whispered, "You have to deal with a lot. It can get pretty overwhelming sometimes. It's okay." Her sobbing eventually dwindled down until all that was left were red eyes.

"Th-thank you," she said, "I mean it. You didn't have to do anything but-"

"Of course I did. You're one of us. You're a Membrane—even the kids love you. Gaz included. And that's saying something." I smiled under my high collared coat. She giggled. Dios mío, ella es tan linda.

She hugged me tightly, before smirking and saying into my neck, "Yeah, you are too."

1315 words
Still heckin' sorry this took so long but kdjdkdksksl
Bro in musical theatre we've got to do a full on dance number (that we choreograph) and sing along and everything has to be memorized and djksksksksksla I cant

But yea I finally finished this I'm really sorry for the wait but I did it ùwú

• Dios mío - My god
• Ella es tan linda - She is so pretty/cute

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