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Membrane x Doubtful! Assistant! Reader
(Hurt & Comfort)

Original: 1052
Rewrite: 1383

Let's fucking go lads
One whole year since I made this.
One whole year of improvement.
I love all of you so much, now go ahead and read uwu.

"God I hate them." I mumbled. My coworkers set me up. With him. The astounding Professor Miguel Membrane. They'd all gone home early so I'd have to work with him. Besides, it was NOT a good time to be stuck in an office with Professor Membrane.

I'd always had a huge crush on him. Why? It's simple. He was perfect. The perfect scientist, the perfect celebrity, the perfect everything. But there was one fault I found in him.

He wasn't looking for a partner.

I was head over heels for Membrane, but his only love was for science and his kids. No one else. He was my weakness. And that weakness was one-sided. Like everyone said, the only things burning were his passion for science and his cooking.

I shook my head and cleared my mind. Just survive tonight. You can cry and eat ice cream later. Just accept that his rich baritone voice would never say the three words that you wanted to hear most.

I sighed again and tried to focus on my work. We were simply trying to upgrade the pipelines. Nothing too big, except he intended to replace it with a system that would purify the water as it went. He'd somehow managed to create a film-like membrane that would catch particles that were not water. There would be several of these film-like walls throughout the pipes.

The fucking genius.

And I was alone with him.

Fuck me.

Why was I so nervous about that? Oh yeah, because he makes my heart skip an abnormal amount of beats whenever I do much as think about him touching me (even in a non-sexual way).

"(Y/N)? I need some help." Fuck. My mind went to the worst places as I ushered myself towards his desk. Just get yourself through today.

"Yes, sir?" I asked. As he instructed me to take notes, my mind couldn't help but drift slightly. What was under that lab coat? Was it a soft dad-bod or was it a chiseled sculpture? FOCUS. I managed to get most of the details down before my mind went somewhere else.

"Could you copy all of that down in my memos and bring me my notebook?" He asked.

"Which notebook?" I asked.

He shot me a glare that could implode the sun into a black hole. If looks could kill, I'd be stabbed. Five times.

"Right. That one." I gulped and hoped I knew which notebook he was actually referring to.

Membrane's office was not how you'd expect it to be. Instead of the pristine, organized study... how do I say this? No use sugarcoating it. It's a fucking mess. How am I supposed to find anything in this? I rolled my eyes and started looking. It wasn't going to find itself.

"Where is it?" I mumbled. Amongst all the notebooks, paper balls, and pens, it was impossible to tell what was and wasn't important.

There was no way I could find this notebook standing up. I got down on my hands and knees and started to dig through the overwhelming heap of paper. Not noticing, I started to speak out loud.

"Ugh, why am I even here? My dumb coworkers... the nerve of them. Making me stay alone with him for 7 hours. I fucking hate them. Jerks." I grumbled under my breath.

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now