Doubtful! Assistant! Reader (Hurt & Comfort)

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A/N doing this so y'all know I can write at least kinda gooddlshslskla

Professor Membrane. A scientist and inventor known around the world. Oh, how I wish he'd like me.

But that would never happen. He was always working. Always trying to find out how to improve one of his inventions or make a new one. He was a man of science—dedicated to his work and his work alone. Not people.

By now, you probably get the gist of how this is going to go (big oof to the fourth wall). As one of his assistants on his more recent projects, you were with him all the time during work. It was only natural for you to develop a sort of crush on him.

He exuded an air of confidence—one that I would give anything for. Every time I'm near him or he even looks in my direction, my heart flutters in my chest and skips a beat or two. It didn't help that his voice was literally the smoothest thing in the universe. So warm, rich, velvety... man, if he would just-

"Y/N!" A deep, resounding voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked down from the glass ceiling and turned my attention to the man I was thinking about: Professor Membrane. I was still at work. I'd told one person that I thought he was kinda cute, and next thing I know I'm working the night shift helping him finish modeling his latest gadget.

"Yes, sir?" I asked, a slight red hue dusting my cheeks.

"Get me my notebook." He said, gesturing for me to hurry up.

"Which one?"

He turned around and looked at me. Despite half his face being covered, the expression he was making was obvious. (You think he's talking bout the one he made five months ago or the one from last week you absolute fucking-)

"On it." I quickly made my way to the other side of his lab. You would think that him being known for his intellect and scientific discoveries, he would also be organized... but no. Looking around, you wouldn't be able to identify the floor or what you were standing on.

It was rather funny, really.
But what wasn't funny is that I was the only one working with him at the time. And I had no clue to the method that was his madness.

"Um..." I didn't want to bother him and risk losing this job. I wouldn't even get to see him if I was fired. With my mind made up, I took off my lab coat and tied it around my waist. Time to get digging. I got down on my hands and knees and started looking. Why was everything so messy? How could you find anything in this? Without even noticing, I started thinking out loud.

"Dammit. Why did everyone else leave? Did they all plan this? They probably did. They probably did this to get me fired... not a bad plan, I guess."
"I'm so dumb. I don't know how to do anything here! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO USE THE COFFEE MACHINE FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!"
"...why did they even accept me? Why did they even let me apply?? I'm a disgrace. I can't do anything right. Now he's gonna think I can't even do something as simple as getting his notebook"
"...he probably only likes smart people. Why would he even like me in the first place. I'm probably everything he doesn't want."

After searching for what seemed like forever, I still couldn't find it. Maybe I should finally ask him? With a sigh, I turned around to see him a few feet behind me.

My breath hitched in my throat as my eyes went wide. He took a step forward, then another, my face growing paler each time he did so. By the time he was in front of me, ghosts looked alive.

We stood in silence for a few seconds, machinery whirring in the background. Taking in a raggedy breath, I slowly asked, " much did you hear?"

He said nothing, but instead put his arms around me pulling me into his chest for a hug. "You aren't dumb." I tensed, sucking in all my breath as I felt hot tears pricking the corners of my eyes. He paused, and in a hushed voice, he said, "You're perfect."

I let my head fall into his chest and roped my arms around his torso. My shoulders heaved up and down as I felt his gloved hands rub circles in my back. I stuttered apology after apology, trying to let him know that he didn't have to do this.

"hey hey hey hey don't apologize. You're going to be fine." He whispered. My arms squeezed harder as my tears continued to silently fall.

He kneeled down with me, letting go of me and gently shoving my arms to my side.

"Y/N. Look at me." I sniffed and wiped my eyes before looking up at him.

"You are everything I could want." He said blushing as he leaned down and pressed his head into the crook of my neck. "You're anything I could ever want."

I blushed, still in disbelief. He didn't mean it. He couldn't mean it. Nobody could want me—much less him. He's just messing with me. Just so I'll stop crying. That's all he's doing.

As if he were reading my mind, he cupped my cheek with one hand, pulling down his collar with the other. I looked at him in shock. No one had ever seen his full face.

"I love you." He said gently, closing the distance between us. My eyes widened, before I placed my hands on his shoulders and kissed back. It felt like I was flying. Everything was suddenly okay with him here. I felt...loved.

He pulled away with a goofy smile and a rose glow on his face. "I seriously love you, Y/N." I leaned into his arms and whispered into his chest, "I love you too, sir."
The machine he was working on laid unfinished on his workbench. We sat there on the floor, his hand brushing through my hair. Everything might finally be okay.

"Do you think you could get me that notebook now?"

1052 words uwu

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now