Mob Boss! Membrane x Fem! Civilian! Reader pt2 (Fluff)

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Membrane's family is ruling the state you live in. You are a librarian. He came to your library and picked up a book. Then he escorted you home after you were harassed. Then he asked you on a date. You danced the night away and fell asleep on the way back to your house. He left his personal number and left.

Outside POV

When (Y/N) woke up, her head was pounding. She was in the clothes she was wearing last night. Tabitha, her cat, was curled up on her lap, kneading her thighs. There was cat hair all over the blouse she still had on, as well as the skirt part of the sundress.

"Oh, Tabi, baby, we need to do something about that coat of yours," (Y/N) said, petting the cat, "You need a little trim! Yes, you do, you little cutie!" Tabitha let out her usual high pitched meow and hopped off (Y/N)'s lap.

"Wow. Guess I can't share my love for the sole beneficiary in my will." (Y/N) stuck out her tongue.

After Tabitha jumped down, (Y/N)'s eyes flitted down to the table. There was a paper there. With a number. Only one question crossed her mind.

Whose fucking number was this?

And (Y/N)'s only idea to figure out whose number was on her table was through calling.

The dial tone went once... twice... three times-

"Hi, this is (Y/N), you left your phone number on a paper on my table?"

"Oh, why hello there, (Y/N). It's Miguel. What did you need?" That recognizable baritone would've been enough to tell who it was.

There sounded like there was a struggle going on in the background...

"Miguel, did I call at a bad time? Because I can call back if you nee-"

"Not necessary, pajarita—" A sound that was just a tad too similar to a gun firing peaked the mic on the phone. "—I should be free, now."

"Miguel, was that a gunshot?" (Y/N) hastily whispered.

"(Y/N), that is frankly out of your circle of control. It'd be more scientific if you didn't worry about it." Membrane deadpanned.


"Of course I did, (Y/N), I'm in the mob. I'm the head of It ¡por el amor de Dios!"

"Miguel. How much of a role do you play exactly?"

He paused and took a breath. "Look, how about you come over to my place? I'll explain more where I'm comfortable."

(Y/N) couldn't argue. What was there to say other than-


"Good, I'll send one of my men to come pick you up."

"Can you send someone to talk to as well?" (Y/N) mentioned.

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