How Could Anything This Horrible Be Real?

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TLDR for y'all, im still gonna write for this goober but im gonna do it even more sporadically and put them in separate stories on AO3

Hey chat! I'm sure you all have been wondering where I've been. I haven't updated this work since April 2023, and I've said that I was going through personal stuff. But I've also been making other fics.

And to that I will say, I haven't forgotten about this. This was such a huge comfort media, and why would I stop simping for this silly shark loving scientist when I've poured so much time into fleshing him out?

But I can't keep updating this fic. It's getting daunting. And intimidating. And that's not what fic should be for me (and in my opinion for anyone else writing it).

Over these past few months, I've started college, became legal, and I've been struggling with a lot mentally. But this fic never was forgotten. I've got your back, guys ;)

Now, what are the plans moving forward? I'm going to keep writing for this guy, but it will be in separate works. Same account. Same things used to find it. But it's going to be more like how I want it to be. I still plan on taking things slow when it comes to putting out content, but I will actually tag things properly this time instead of saying "fuck it man a lot happens".
Eg if I write vampire smut, it's getting tagged as vampire smut.

All these fics will still be cross posted to tumblr, under the blog professormembranexreader (shocking how I got that one, im aware lmfao)

All in all, this fic has outlasted two full relationships, and been here for my current ones. And I will be eternally grateful for the friends I've made throughout the four years (Jesus) of writing this fic in particular.

Now, dont be a stranger!

wait I almost forgot

THE HAM!!!!!! (See?! There's that ham again! ;3)

Be safe y'all!

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now