Membrane x Esper! Fem! Reader (the smutty sequel)

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  I got you broski

I changed it a bit tho but 👀

All women born after 1993 don't know how to cook. All they know is McDonald's, charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip, and lie.

So Membrane has known about you and has been studying you due to your telepathy and strong telekinesis. You broke down and passed out, causing Membrane to take you back to his home. When you came to Membrane reassured you that you were part of the family.

(Y/N)'s POV

He had insisted that you stay with them that night. ALL night. I had caused so much trouble yet he wanted me to stay. Why? I promised myself I would find out.

In their bathroom, I splashed my face with water. After patting it dry, I started to work out the tangles in my hair. How could it be so (hair length) and have so many/few tangles? For the meantime, I let it do its thing. I'd offered to cook for Membrane, but he insisted on takeout instead. We ended up getting Mexican food.

"I could've fixed this, you know?" I huffed. I was sitting next to him with his children across from us.

"Yeah she could've fixed this. It probably would've been better." Gaz said, taking a bite out of her tamale.

Dib nodded. "Yeah, Dad. You almost never turn down (Y/N)'s cooking. You okay?"

I smiled at him and blood rushes to his face. Since I didn't want to use any other powers, I couldn't read his mind without physical touch, but it was clear to see he was still embarrassed from earlier. Maybe that was why, yet I doubt it. To be sure, I placed my hand on his. His heart hammered in his chest. I tried to read his mind, but it was blank.

"Membrane, are you okay?" I pressed a hand to his bright face. "You look red. Do you have a fever?" His mind was racing and it almost made me dizzy. I took my hand off of his head and stood up.

"I'm going to get you some water. Be right back." He was much taller than me, and his house was built accordingly. Even with a stool, I couldn't reach his cups. I sighed and tried using my telekinesis to get a glass instead. My hair flew up above my face as my eyes glowed white. In the back of my mind, I felt someone staring at me. Curious, I decided to half-listen to their thoughts.

"Ay, sus muslos son tan gordos. Quiero apretarlos." "Yo apuesto son suave también..." "Me pregunto que parecería en mis manos..."

What the fuck. I blushed immensely and almost dropped the cup on my head. I quickly caught it with my hand and filled it with water. I was happy I was wearing foundation so my raging tomato face seemed normal.

"Here's your water, Miguel." I said, placing it between us. He nodded and took a sip. We continued eating, talking about Gaz's wolves in Minecraft to Dib's fascination with the neighbor's dog. Sometime between the two, he got up to use the bathroom. I wouldn't think much of it... except Dib doesn't think in Spanish. Gaz is ace, and I sincerely doubt Membrane programmed horniness into his robots. He returned looking subdued. Like an animal just shot with a tranq. We finished dinner and the kids began to go to their rooms for the night.

"Should I go back home yet?" I asked, making sure it was obvious I didn't want to. He shook his head.

"No, not yet." He said quickly. "You're still too..."

"Unstable?" I suggested. He nodded. "Guess Im staying here for a few days again."

He sighed and moved to embrace me, but stopped. I moved his arms around me, saying, "It's okay. I can read you like a book, remember?"

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