Membrane x Bodyguard! Male! Reader (Very Short Angst)

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Thank you to smileykingorg for translating some sentences for me!!! I am a dumbo ewe

Outside POV

It was the day of the his big keynote event. This time it was for a frame that automatically adjusts to the size your pictures. No one had the heart to tell him he was ruining an entire sales industry.

I stood at the left of the stage. It wasn't too wide,  so I was still relatively close to him. Things were going off without a hitch. He had just gotten to the part about how they are made with an elastic material when I spotted a glint of white from the rafters. That could only mean-

I ran across the stage. "Get down!" I yelled, pushing Membrane to the floor. The house began to buzz in chaos. A sharp pain began to bloom through my chest.

"¡MIERDA!" He cried as I fell to the ground. He scooped me up in his arms and pulled me closer to his chest. "¡No, no, no, no, (Y/N)!" I lifted my sunglasses and looked up at him.

The angle allowed me to see his full face. Behind his goggles, his eyes were welling up with tears. His mouth was doing that weird thing where it was open at the ends but closed in the center. You know, the way that it does when you choke back tears in a party.

"Told you I'd save your life someday," I sputtered out.

"Pero... no se supone que debía haber terminado de esta forma..." He whispered.  "No puedes dejarme..."

I smiled. No, this wasn't how we planned it. But I died doing what I loved. Protecting him.

280 words

- no se supone que debía haber terminado de esta forma — it wasn't supposed to end like this
- no puedes dejarme — you can't leave me

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