Birthday Drabble

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It was today. He knew it was today. He knew it was today because he had specifically marked it on his calendar. (Y/N)'s birthday. He had commissioned the best baker he knew to make a cake (Y/N) would love.

We all know that despite Membrane's best efforts, he was a terrible baker — and Foodio was nowhere near capable of real food. We all also know that that never tastes the same as real food either.

Point is, he got a cake in (Y/N)'s favorite flavor from the best baker in town. The baker ended up with a bunch of unnecessary information about (Y/N) due to Membrane's inability to shut up.

But that didn't stop him from getting (Y/N) a good cake. And a good cake it was. He may have tasted the batter... oh well.

But he got certainly more than just a cake for (Y/N). He had spent a good amount of time making a watch that displays a hologram of a video or still image that can be chosen through a special program he made to be booted on their computer.

He had also spent the past few months building up a self sustaining ecosystem involving roses. And if it was kept in the right conditions, which he set it up with, it would stay in bloom perpetually.

That was now in their shared bedroom under a recently installed grow light, and would be the last thing that they saw present-wise that day. A last surprise, if you will.

A knock on the door signaled that someone was there. Who, perhaps? Well he had to open the door to find out. The kids were already home, the neighbor boy was nowhere to be seen, it was either (Y/N) or the mailman.

He opened the door and saw his wonderful (Y/N). His wonderful, amazing (Y/N). He couldn't help but smile and hold them close. They squeaked at the sudden embrace but wrapped their arms around him as well.

"Miguel? You okay?" they said, pulling away.

"I'm just... I'm glad you're mine. Happy birthday, (Y/N). I'll get the kids to bed before we cut the cake."

(Y/N) grinned, and went inside. And upon seeing their favorite cake on the table, they bounced up and down with glee. "Awwwww, Mem, you shouldn't have!" (Y/N) was beaming, and Membrane couldn't help but feel fulfilled. After all, you were happy.

Once they both finished a slice of cake, they saved the rest for later. Membrane then presented (Y/N) with a box. Upon opening it, there was a usb and a watch.

"Why the memory stick?" (Y/N) asked.

"You can make the watch display a hologram! And what it displays will be edited with what you do with the flash drive!"He tapped a button on the watch, projecting a picture of their family at Bloaty's Pizza for Gaz's fifth birthday.

(Y/N) cooed, "Gaz was so small back then!"

Membrane sighed, "She was, wasn't she?" He got up from his chair then motioned for (Y/N) to follow him up the stairs.

(Y/N) was about to open the door to their bedroom when he grabbed their hand.

"Close your eyes," Membrane said. (Y/N) giggled and complied.

He then led them into the room, facing the ecosystem. "Tada!" (Y/N) opened their eyes and gasped. They closely inspected the container for the ecosystem without touching it.

"Miguel, how long have you been working on this? This literally seems so complex! How did you do this?"

Miguel sheepishly explained that it was just a matter of balancing all the factors and a teensy bit of bioengineering. "But that's besides the point. Do you like it?"

(Y/N) walked up to Membrane and placed their hands on his shoulders. "Miguel, you are literally one of — if not THE smartest man in the world. Use your brain. Do you think I like it?"

"Well, I'd hope so."

(Y/N) couldn't help but crack a smile and start giggling.

"After a long day of work, a day full of dealing with horrible people, very, very annoying people, I was looking forward to coming home to my loving husband." (Y/N) snaked their hands up to Membrane's face, pulling him down.

"And he greets me with cake, a fucking hologram watch, and an entire goddamn ecosystem... you better believe I like it."

Both laughed, and went to sit in the bed. (Y/N) snuggled up to Membrane's side, and he wrapped his arm around them. Soon (Y/N) closed their eyes and fell asleep. Membrane looked at them and smiled.

"Feliz cumpleaños, mi amor. Te quiero mucho."

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now