Dont procrastinate with headcanons youre too sexy hahahahah

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A ha ha
A hA hA haa

I'm sorry

I'm done with something I've put off for way too long. Also I've decided that if I don't wanna do a drawing I'll just put some music uwu

Speaking of musiccccc

things he does to relax uwu

- Membrane loves classical music
- Beethoven? bet. Mozart? Bet. Tchaikovsky? Bet. Bach? BET. Vivaldi? BET. DeBUSSY?? FUCKING BETTTTTTTT

- anyways classical music is his fav genre
- but he will listen to other things
- he surprisingly likes hip-hop
- and disco???
- what?????
- he hums that kinda stuff when he does the dishes

- he likes to learn new trivia
- especially if it's science related
- he'll just occasionally blab to you about a new random fact he's learned
- "taking a step uses 200 muscles" "what" "rats can't throw up" "how do you-" "francium will react explosively with water"
-he hyper fixates on it (like we do him-)

- he usually doesn't like white noise, but when it rains outside, he's fucking gone
- he's OUT
- time for cuddling my dudes
- he will instinctively curl into you
- if (and when) he wakes up before you, he'll look at your face, blush, and quietly mutter about how you always "trap him in these kinds of places" before begrudgingly snuggling back
- (but alas you were aWAKE THE WHOLE TIME >:D)

- he really enjoys talking with you
- not really talking about a thing
- just talking
- saying whatever comes to mind
- it's usually him saying random science things, talking about his work, and complimenting you
- in Spanish
- "tus ojos son muy bonitos" "what" "what"
- bonus points if you know what he's saying

- he loves it when you kiss him
- his favorites are pecks on the cheek and nose
- like he's so cute
- how can someone be so adorable
- ahem where were we?
- ah yes
- he is absolute babey

- his favorite drink is chamomile tea
- relaxer you know
- *insert "I just think it's neat" meme*
- he usually drinks it after work/before bed (aka same thing)
- other than that it's usually when he's reading
-and yes he sips with his pinky finger up just because he fancy

- his fav movie genre is rom coms
- don't judge him
- Gaz already does that too much
- it's a guilty pleasure
- and for once I'm actually not projecting
-like I don't like rom coms personally so
- but I'm pretty sure all citizens of good standing would watch shitty hallmark movies for him

- he also likes to watch the Men in Black movies (the originals not the new one)
- as unrealistic as they are, he loves poking fun at them
- also the guns and technology are cool and he totally isn't stealing ideas what

-but most of all
- he likes to spend some quality time with you

okay that was sappy let's keep this rolling-

But in all honesty I'm gonna take a slight break for a bit after I finish what's left

Which is

Yandere pt 2 is very high on my priority list Especially because I did AlexandraZero88 and RealityCore wrong with only 750 words and no actual creepiness I promise this one's gonna be gory ;)

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Yandere pt 2 is very high on my priority list
Especially because I did AlexandraZero88 and RealityCore wrong with only 750 words and no actual creepiness
I promise this one's gonna be gory ;)

The unrequited drama inducing one is also very high because omg someone kinda important is reading this oh my god everyone stay calm everybody stay fUCKING CALMMM
FearTheHime honestly tho bro I'm fucking honored I'll try my best to make this not shit

And last but not least the smutty sequel
I feel bad putting this at the bottom of my priority list, but I know that emotionlessSerenity is a fucking great bro and will understand (especially because of how much I enjoyed coming up with sciencey shit for the first one)

Just know that I've got big plans for everything and I'm gonna close requests for a bit so I can come back better than ever

I doubt I'll get anything new out by the end of the month (maybe a really short x-mas oneshot for the fun of it if y'all won't mind a bit more of a delay)

So in case, I'll see you all in the new year!

(After next year we can all say our hindsight was 2020 and honestly it's the only reason I'm okay with losing the whole 'I don't have 2020 vision' thing)

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