Yandere! Membrane x Fem! Reader (Angst) pt. 1

978 32 31

AN AlexandraZero88 Im so fucking sorry for the wait but it's here dreadfully sorry if this is absolute shit uwu

@all the boys reading you're lucky you ain't the direct target of this

Like y'all can change the pronouns all you want if you want some weird ass resume sniffer murdering for your ass, I sure won't stop you, but

Warning: Membrane is gonna be actually kinda gross in this but he's doing it because he loves youuuuu

Membrane's POV

She was perfect. From her voice to her looks, she was everything I'd ever wanted.

So of course I was ecstatic when I found her application. I couldn't believe my eyes, so I had reread it several times over. I could recite it from memory. I could do much more than just recite it from memory.

But that's besides the point. What mattered is what she applied for. She wanted to be my secretary. My secretary. I'd see her every day without having to access security cameras! Not that it was hard, but just watching footage got tiring after a while. For the longest time I've been yearning to feel her soft hair.

Trying to down play my excitement, I sent an email saying there would be an interview in her future. I wanted to hire her on the spot, but I'd get more backlash doing that than hiring the second person I interviewed.

We scheduled it for the coming Friday and it came quicker than anticipated.

I wore my trademark lab coat and goggles, spritzed with the cologne from my first love. Her fate was... quite unfortunate. Who would've known her corpse (minus her skull) would be found in the creek?

But that's irrelevant. I found myself anxious at the thought of her finally arriving.

'What if she refused? What if she didn't like me? What if she didn't want anything to do with me?' I thought. But then I realized. It wouldn't matter. Either she's mine or she's not going to live to see what would happen after rejection.

As if on cue (like the plot finally progressing (not sponsored by flex tape)), I heard a gentle knock on my office door. My heart raced as I slicked back my hair. 'Be normal'.

I opened the door to see (e/c) eyes peering up at me. She was wearing the perfume she got from her ex. She looked even better awake. "Um, I'm the girl who applied for the secretary position," her gentle voice said. I cleared my throat and told her to take a seat.

Keep this professional. You can do this. "So Ms. (l/n), I know you put your achievements and skills on your resume, so tell me a bit about yourself." I nailed it. At least she couldn't see my grin behind my collar.

"Well, I can work with people, I'm decent at communication, um... oh! I can juggle!" She beamed proudly, then her smile fell into a sheepish grin. "You... probably didn't need to know that haha." I laughed, she wasn't confident at all. I used to be that way too...

She looked away from me, deliberately not meeting my eyes. Her face was tinted a cherry red. I couldn't help but smile. "Hey, it's okay. I just thought it was funny is all." She looked back up at me, slightly less red than she was, and gave me a small smile and a curt nod.

"Now, professional skills, please," I joked, "I'm open to hearing your other talents later."

"Um, I'm not the best at math but I think I'm okay at it. You can probably tell from my grades in school. I was on the debate team in from my sophomore (10th) year to graduation in high school.   What I mean is that I can be very persuasive. If someone wanted to see you and you cancelled, they'd leave with an appointment in a few days and business cards in hand." Her anxiety seemed to melt away as she continued speaking. I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful eyes. They were a dazzling shade of (e/c), like (bro think of a thing that looks like your eye color. If it's green, emeralds or the amazon, brown than chocolate or oak wood, if it's blue, you guessed it, the ocean).

She eventually looked at me and stopped. "I've been rambling, heh sorry."

"You're hired." "What?"

"You start tomorrow. Goodnight Ms. (L/N). I'll see you soon."

746 words

I realized that if I wrote until what I had in mind it would be twice this length and I don't have the time right now dhskjaajal

I'm gonna make the next part extra gory to make up for it (with a warning of course)

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