Membrane x Dom! Fem! Reader (smut)

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AN writing this on the bus right now and omfg it's still so boring. big thankies from mcspankies for sending requests in so I have stuff to do
Also I may have added a thing to the request so ;)))


So Professor~" I purred, "don't you think we should conduct some... experiments~?" Membrane's pale face tinted pink. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I pressed myself against him. He seemed to get the hint and grabbed my thighs suddenly, hoisting me up off the ground.

He was in the middle of walking me to the wall when his son, Dib, walked in.

"Dad! I need your help!" He grimaced under his high collar. I removed one hand from his neck and put it on his chest.

"Go ahead. I can wait." I smiled. I didn't really want him to go, but whatever Dib needs help with must be more important.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I could tell he didn't want to leave either.

"Babe, go ahead. We can continue this later~." He set me down and sighed. He left the lab to go help his son.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, he came back.

"What was it?" I asked, curious.

He groaned, "It was just him trying to show me that the neighbor boy with that skin condition is an alien." I softly sighed, getting up and patting his arm.

"Again? I can't imagine how hard it must be to try and take care of-" Membrane cut me off with a short kiss.

"Shhh. Don't worry about them. All that matters right now is you and me." He wrapped his robotic arms around my waist and pulled me towards him. I flushed as his hands shifted from my waist to my ass.

I involuntarily leaned against him, once more pressing myself to his body. I felt his hard dick poking just below my stomach. Grinding against him, I let out a soft moan.


"fUUUUUCKKKK." God dammit, Gaz. Things were just getting good.

"You don't have to go-"
"Membrane, I care about your kids as if they were my own. I'll be back." Using all my willpower I peeled myself off of him.

"¿Qué quieres?" "JUST GET OVER HERE!"

I sighed and walked to the living room where Gaz was seated on the couch, GameSlave hooked up to the TV.

"What is it, Gaz?" Without even opening her eyes or turning her head, she replied flatly, "Don't fuck my dad here." I raised an eyebrow only for her to tell me she was hungry.  Of course. I went to the kitchen and fixed her a PB&J, brought it to her, and went back to the lab.

"DON'T FUCK MY DAD HERE!" She angrily took a bit me of her sandwich, "YA HEAR ME?!" I jumped, but chuckled as I opened the door to the lab.

It was empty. Or, at least, it looked like it. His lab was always cluttered, so it was entirely possible that he was buried under all his science stuff.

"Honey~ Where are you~?" I heard some distant clunking of metal and plastic against the tiled floor. I curiously walked over to the noise when-

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now