Membrane x Male! Irken! Reader (Headcanons)

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- Let's get things clear. You are not tiny. Not like Zim.
- Like, you are the size of an average human.
- The Tallest sent you away because they feared you'd try to overthrow them or something.
- Who knows?

- You were sent away before Zim was banished. So when Zim came by Earth, it took all you had in you not to publicly shame him—not for being an alien, but for being fucking intolerable.

- But when you looked into it, you realized there was unknown danger that you'd been avoiding.

- Dib.

- You did some research into the family and immediately sought out his father.
- You donned your human disguise you had packed oh so many years ago and set out to find Professor Membrane.

- Which was surprisingly easier than you thought.

- Especially since you were already working for him. You just didn't realize that was his full name. He actually was a good friend. Funny how he never spoke about his kids...

- You asked him about it when you were having lunch. He got all flustered and started to spew nonsense about the "unscientific manner of the question".

- "Miguel..."

- "...yes?"

- "Why haven't you told me about your kids before?"

- If he WASNT sweating before, he sure was now.
- He mumbled out something in Spanish. Typical. /j

- "English, Professor."

- "I didn't want you to not be interested in me," he said.
- "I knew it was a long shot but I didn't want to risk losing you."

- Your heart panged.
- "Miguel..." you said, putting your hand overtop his gloved one.

- "I completely understand that this crosses lines, so please understand that if you reciprocate I must terminate you."
- Your eyes went wide.
- "NOT IN THAT WAY!" he rushed.

- He went on to explain that he had a separate division led by someone else and that while it may be a dock in pay, he could then be with you.

- But what did money matter to you? You had advanced Irken technology on your side.
- You agreed, and you got transferred to a different department over the course of a week.

- So you started dating. Which was actually very pleasant.
- Luckily, due to your amazing disguise, Dib didn't recognize you as an alien. But he was always watching you.

- Little creep...

- Gaz was cool. No other explanations.

- But time passed, and soon things got a bit more... physical.

- Your disguise didn't necessarily cover the parts of skin that were usually covered up.
- Which meant that from the waist down, your skin was still green.

- When he saw your lower half, he thought you had the same skin condition the neighbor kid had.
- So that's what he's calling it.

- You explained to him that you were an alien.

- "Immigrant is a much better word, guapo."
- "Miguel..." you sighed, "

- "These aren't my real eyes, Miguel."
- "You wear contacts? That's strange."


- He took off his goggles to reveal his tired, sunken-in, chocolate brown eyes.
- "Now's your turn."

- You took off your disguise completely.

- "Are your eyes a part of the condition too?"
- "It's not a condition."
- "It's okay to be in denial, guapo."

- "Miguel I don't have ears. That's not a skin condition."
- "I'm sure there's a very scientific explanation for that."

- oh my god this man

- "Professor. I'm not from this planet," you said as slowly as possible. "I'm a space alien."
- "..."
- "oh"
- "..."
- "Am I allowed to find out about the aliens?"

- "Only if you suck my dick," you said jokingly.

- You shouldn't have said that.
- You should NOT have said that.

- Don't you know he will do anything in the name of science????


- "I'm not telling you about the aliens."


- "Yeah, well, sucks to suck."

- You did eventually tell him but good god his face was hilarious.
- It was all pouty.
- You ruffled his hair and kissed him.
- He pulled you onto his lap and held you close.

- You started telling him all you could about extraterrestrial life.
- But as time passed, you grew more and more tired.

- You told him that you needed to get back home, and that you'd continue tomorrow.

- He couldn't wait.

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now