Nightmare! Membrane x Test Subject! Male! Reader (Fluff)

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Outside POV

Preparing the elaborate machine, Professor Membrane was muttering to himself. Something about the probability of this working being very low. How he could expect disaster in the near future when testing this.

He was adjusting the knob on said machine when he heard a knock at the door. He didn't yell anything, as no one would have heard. He hurried up the winding stairs, shaking his hands and stimming anxiously. His heavy footsteps fell and resounded through the empty halls. He faced the door. Make a good first impression. Don't fuck it up.

He took a deep breath, straightened his posture, and opened the door.

Outside was an anxious (Y/N). His hair was a mess, and his hands were fidgety. Professor Membrane looked down on him and guided him into the stair well.

"Am I...allowed to ask questions?" (Y/N) said slowly.

"Mmmmm..." Professor Membrane thought for a bit before deciding. "No."


They continued walking down the stairs in silence. They reached the bottom and Professor Membrane opened the vault door. He grabbed (Y/N)'s shoulder and roughly guided him inside. (Y/N) wanted to protest, but he knew it wouldn't do him any good.

(Y/N) was guided to a device with a chair. He stood by its side until Professor Membrane was ready. Which was, apparently, going to be a while. He kept taking notes. Notes on everything. From the weather conditions to the humidity in the room.

But eventually, he started the experiment. He told (Y/N) to sit down and sit still. Which, considering his anxiety about being a literal test subject, was very difficult. But he managed to stay still long enough for Professor Membrane to come back over to him. He adjusted the headset to fit (Y/N)'s eyes.

"What do you see, (Y/N)?"


Professor Membrane hummed in approval. "Good." He continued to adjust the machine until (Y/N) felt something metal pointing at the center of his forehead.

"Sir, what is that?" (Y/N) asked, voice warbling.

"Oh? Oh you mean that. Well, I'm going to fire a laser into your brain—specifically through to the occipital lobe—so you can see into alternate realities. Nothing big."

(Y/N) just sat there, eyes wide and darting around, but he could only see static. Professor Membrane just continued, as he didn't care about the abject horror on (Y/N)'s face, nor could he see it—his back was literally turned.

(Y/N) heard footsteps walk around him and the subsequent clicking of a knob.

"You, Mr. (L/N), will be testing the highest setting of the Dimensional Scope. This...may hurt. I genuinely have no clue! Oh, well, we'll see."

A button was pushed and the laser began charging up.

"Sir, is this safe?!" (Y/N)'s quavering voice was hoarse, and his mouth was running dry.

"Why do you think I'm testing it?"

(Y/N) struggled against his restraints. But it was too late. The laser fired into his brain. He wrenched his eyes shut. And everything went black.

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now