Membrane x Chub!Wife!Reader (smut)

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Kamicatt Membrane's gonna be dominant in this one for once lmao

Don't get me wrong I love women topping (especially on me-) but sometimes you gotta...not ya know? Plus I'm not gonna add any extra stuff

I'm tryna get this DONE so this is just generic smut owo


I knew as soon as I saw him that he was the one. I had originally come with my superior to work out a business deal but then I saw him. My heart had lept out of my chest. It had seemed the feeling was mutual because after the meeting he slipped me his number.

That was how we met.

We talked since then. We had talked a lot. And eventually, he gave me a tour of his laboratory. It wasn't much for him, but I was amazed. I remember him chuckling at my child-like behavior that day.

That was our first date.

We kept seeing each other. Months turned to years. Years turned into a blooming love. A fiery passion that couldn't be extinguished by the harshness of reality. He was beyond reality.

That was two years ago.

He'd met me at a rough patch in my life. I was struggling to be comfortable in my body. With his help, I managed. I still got worse every now and then.

That's when he decided he would stay by me to make sure I was taken care of.

That was the day he proposed.

Soon I was walking down the aisle in a flowing white dress. He wasn't wearing his goggles or covering his mouth. He looked gorgeous. I reached him at the end and the ceremony proceeded. We said our vows and sealed them into time with a kiss.

That was two days ago.

Now we're in bed on a cruise ship. I turned over to my side, facing him.

"Hey baby~" I received a soft grumble in response. I turned him onto his back and sat on his chest. "You wanna know what I'm thinking~?"

He chuckled and sat up, knocking me off of him and switching our positions.

"You wanna know what I'm thinking?" I shakily nodded.

He leaned against me. I could feel his breath on my neck as he whispered, "I think I know exactly what you want."

He pinned my hands on either side of my head and kissed me passionately. He bit my lip, giving him a free ticket into my mouth. I'd be lying if I said I didn't moan into it a bit. I gently bucked my hips against his once or twice before we parted.

"Do you want this?" He asked. I nodded as fast as I could. Nothing could stop me from wanting this.

He scooped me up in his arms and readjusted our positions so that my head was on the pillows. I saw him start to unbutton his shirt and unbuckle his pants. I propped myself up onto my elbows and tried to take my top off when he pushed me back down.

"I'll take care of it~" I blushed deeply at his words but found myself nodding frantically. He took his shirt off and in a quick motion he ripped off my clothes.

"MIGUEL WHAT THE FU-" He cut my confused yelling off with a kiss which I had no choice but to melt into. I pouted as he pulled away.

He smiled and began to trail kisses all over my bare body. He slowly put a glove on one of his hands and pushed a finger inside me. I bit my lip as my legs turned inward. Using his other hand, he nudged my legs apart and began to slowly push a second finger in. I moaned at the new sensation. He paused, waiting for me to adjust. After a few seconds, I bucked my hips giving him the signal to start moving. He slowly pushed those two fingers deeper inside me before slowly pulling them back out. Eventually he started going faster.

My tits bounced and my legs shook as he kept pumping his fingers inside me. Moans filled the room. My hands gripped the sheets as he began to plunge even deeper inside me.

Suddenly, he stopped. I whimpered at the sudden emptiness. He shoved his pants down and took out his cock. My eyes widened at the sight of it (all point no quills look at that it looks like two balls and a bong). How was that going to fit?

He fished a condom out of his pocket before I gently shook my head. I slowly smiled at him before saying "Don't even try. I know your pull-out game's weak."

He laughed and shook his head at me. Gears turned in his head as he slowly figured out what I meant. "Wait what about-?"

"I got it taken out. I thought it would be lonely at home with it just being you and me~" He blushed at my comment and refocused himself on the task at hand: fucking me.

He pressed his robotic hands down on my hips before slowly inserting himself inside me. I bit my lip as I felt the tip went in. Eventually his entire cock was inside me. He closed his eyes and groaned, holding himself back.

I moaned and pressed my hips against his hands the best I could. He let out the breath he was holding in as he slowly started thrusting.

"F-Faster~" I moaned. He smiled and did as I asked. He picked up the speed dramatically, now shaking the bed frame. My hands found their way onto his neck as he kept thrusting deeper inside me.

"DEEPER~!" I screamed. He laughed as he followed my commands. His dick went farther inside me, reaching places I didn't know existed. But now that I knew, I couldn't forget. He slammed his cock inside me, almost pulling all the way out before slamming back in. My back arched as he hit my g spot.

He took notice of this, and angled me so that it was the only place he could hit. My legs were lifted on top of his shoulders, knees pressed to my chest. He slammed his dick in and out, only hitting that spot over and over again. My nails scratched at his neck and back, urging him to go harder. Guttural moans and the slapping of skin filled the room.


"Espera, mami, reprime para un momento más," he groaned. I nodded my head quickly and tried to stop the knot inside me from unraveling just yet.

His thrusting got sloppy, and his breathing more ragged. I could tell he was close too. One of my hand grabbed his hair as the other raked across his back, leaving bright pink scratch marks.


He leaned down as close to my ear as he could and huskily said, "Then make sure you scream my name as loud as you can~"

A few more thrusts sent me over the edge. I moaned his name as loud as I could as I felt something warm fill me. He pulled my legs off of his shoulders and pulled my limp body onto his. I used the last bit of strength I had to snuggle my head into his chest and softly whisper "I love you, Miguel~" before passing out.

"Hiciste muy bien, mi conejita. Te amo también."

1245 words

And that's how Gaz was born hdjslsl

Seriously though, chubby people are the same as normal people. I should know for several reasons. All that matters is that you are comfortable in your own skin as long as it is a healthy one.

This took foreverrrrr
Also literally now half the requests I need to finish are smut I'm not joking.


• Espera — wait (informal)
• reprime — hold back (informal command)
• un momento más — a moment more
• Hiciste muy bien — you did very well
• mi conejita — my bunny

Everything else is self explanatory for sure.

art is hard

Edit 8/19/21
Can't believe this dick is still up
Thought it would've been taken down by now smh

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