Mob Boss! Membrane x Fem! Civilian! Reader (H&C)

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Outside POV

The town (Y/N) lived in wasn't ruled by the government. It was ruled by the mob.

Crime had made a resurgence, leading to the popularization of the mafia. And at the head of power were the Membranes—an established family. The man in charge, Miguel, had a soft spot for all things science related. He was the most respected scientist in the world before America went to shit. Rumor had it he always wore teal-tinted goggles.

(Y/N), however, was at the mercy of the Membranes; as she was a simple clerk at the local library.

Her salary was just enough to get by. She barely had enough to buy groceries after paying her rent. That's not even considering that she had to restock the shelves with new books occasionally. All of her savings either went to her insurance or her job.

(Y/N) was currently re-shelving books. There wasn't much to shelve as it wasn't a big library, but there were books to shelve nonetheless.

A ring from the door opening echoed throughout the library. And (Y/N) was busy with discs at the other end of the room. On a ladder.

"I'm here to pick up a held book," the stranger said.

"Give me a minute, I'll be with you shortly," (Y/N) called out.

She shelved the last disc in her hand, and she shakily moved her hands down the ladder.

She quickly walked over to the reserved section and picked up a book about theoretical physics.

"Must be a college student," (Y/N) thought to herself. She walked over to the entrance to meet the stranger.

She looked up to give the person the book and her neck craned to meet his eyes. Teal-tinted goggles. (Y/N)'s eyes widened and her mouth dropped—the book almost did too.

The rumors were true. It was Miguel Membrane. And god, was he a sight to behold. He was taller than an entire refrigerator and nearly as wide. This was an absolute unit of a man.

And he was right in front of (Y/N).

"Hello there, (Y/N)." His deep baritone voice was even intimidating. Was there anything calming about this man? It only sunk in moments after that he knew her name. He knew (Y/N)'s name.

She gaped at the man in front of her. His eyebrow raised and he put a hand on her shoulder. (Y/N)'s stomach filled with butterflies.

Oh no.

She returned to reality with a gloved hand waving in front of her face. She turned a bright red and quickly gave him the book, mumbling apologies.

He didn't leave. Why was he still here? Almost as if hearing (Y/N)'s thoughts, he bade her farewell and left.


They met again.

(Y/N) was going on their biweekly shopping trip, when she felt someone watching her. She shrugged it off as her being paranoid, and continued getting her groceries.

Then she heard footsteps behind her. Then running. She looked behind her to see a strange man running off. And now behind her was Professor Membrane.

"You're welcome." There was a mutual understanding of what happened. He chased the stranger off.

"Th-Thank you," (Y/N) said. But she wondered what she had done to earn the protection of the local mob boss. Whatever it was, she was grateful. She had a problem of creeps trying to hit on her.

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now