Sub! Membrane x Fem! Dom! Reader (smut duh)

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AN emotionlessSerenity I got you broski
fucking knew y'all was thirsty lmfao but me too

Gonna continue that Frankenstein thing soon but this also counts as self care fjoshaslshaks

•brief sad boi hours
•headcanon middle-name for Mem that I did research for
•a praise kink (me too)
•pussy eating (yEs plEasE)
•overstimulation (yESSSSSSSS)
•bondage (tie me up science daddy I mean what?)

Membrane's POV

'This is what I get for always setting the bar,' I thought to myself. I was currently sitting in my office, burying my head under mountains of failed designs. I'm such a failure. I don't understand why anyone likes me. I bet my kids hate me too. I'd had to make my wife take care of them for the past few weeks as I tried to work through this burnout. She'd always come into my office late at night and hug me from behind, telling me about what happened that day.

"Dib finally decided to try and make friends with that one kid down the street, and Gaz beat the Wither in Minecraft—she's been prepping for a while," she had said. She'd paused, rubbing my shoulders, "Any progress so far?" I shook my head and laid it down on my cluttered desk.

"Don't worry, baby. I'm sure you'll find a breakthrough soon enough." She patted my back and reminded me to take my medicine before she went to bed. I couldn't get into bed with her. I didn't deserve to. She was doing so much while I just... Why does she like me? I'm not half the man she married.

Going into the kitchen, I saw she left out a plate of food for me. 'I'll eat it later,' I thought. I made some coffee, took my medicine, and went back to work.

|—— time skip ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ——|


He was overworking himself. This was so easy to see, even his son could see it without his glasses. (And you don't even wanna know how bad his vision is.) If he continued like this, this burnout wouldn't be temporary.

But how to make him take a break? I sighed to myself as I made the kids their breakfast. I know Gaz has some friends she was going to hang out with over the weekend... if I could convince Dib to stay at a friend's house I could definitely...relieve some tension.

Speaking of, Dib looked up at me after he finished his pancakes. "Mom, do you think I could investigate Zim at his house?" I choked on air before composing myself. "Yeah, sure! That sounds great!" He immediately set out to grab his science stuff and ran next door. One down, one to go.

A few minutes after she finished eating, I went over to my daughter. "Gaz, sweetie, you ready for me to drive you over?" She nodded and went up to her room to grab her suitcase and a bag. I drove her down to her mysterious friend's house and returned to get my tired husband (bitch me too).

"Cariño~ ¿Dónde estás~? Desayuno está listo. " He trudged into the room, goggles off, mumbling a tired "buenos días". He grabbed a cup of black coffee and sat down with a plate of the now cold pancakes. His eyes were open. I couldn't help but stare into them. It was rare to see them after all.

His eyes are why I fell in love with him. It should be a crime to constantly hide away such a beautiful thing—they were milk chocolate with hazel flecks spattered near the pupil. However, the dark circles that almost constantly accented them? Not so much. He needs to take care of himself.

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now