Toxic! Membrane x Fem! Reader x Clembrane (H&C)

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If you are sensitive to these subjects then please do not read. This is by far the heaviest chapter I've written. Know that this behavior is not acceptable of anyone.

Outside POV

He was not the man she married. Not anymore.

He used to be kind. A philanthropist who simply wanted to make the world a better place. He still was, except he wasn't kind anymore. He was mean and cruel. Maybe not to everyone, but at least to her. And that was enough to drive her crazy.

But she put up with it. Because she had learned that this was normal. This was normal. It had to be... Otherwise someone would've done something. Right? Of course.

He couldn't be as bad as she was making him out to be. He was nice to her. Just like the last time— he said she wasn't wearing something that "was unprofessional" and he smiled! Granted, it was followed up with "I didn't know you could actually pull it off."

But still! He complimented her! And if he could somehow see the beauty in her, he can't be that bad, can he?

She smiled at the fond memory. She shook her head and went back to what she was doing. What was she doing, again?

Oh, right. She was cooking dinner for him. She and the rest of the family already ate. She was just about to put in the pasta when-

The door slammed open. Oh no. It was one of those nights. Just pretend like everything is normal. Please let everything be normal.

He undid the buttons on the collar of his lab coat and hung it up on the coat rack. He came up behind her.

"Why isn't dinner ready yet?" he growled into her ear.

"I... I didn't know when you'd get home. I'm sorry-"

"You should be. I'll be back up soon. I expect it to be done by then." He sauntered off to do whatever he was going to do.

(Y/N) shakily continued to make the dish. It just had to be perfect. No pressure. "Relax, (Y/N). Relax. Just do it how you normally do."

She finished making it and by the time he came back, she was just then setting down to food and drink.

He was wearing goggles and a mask, but she could tell something was wrong. She was going to be punished. Oh no. What was it what was it what was-

She forgot the fork. THE FORK. How the hell is he supposed to eat without a fork?

She watched as he gripped the mug. He gripped it so hard, she could already see cracks forming. She ducked behind the counter as the pieces of ceramic scattered.

He made his way over to her.

"Please! I'm sorry! I won't forget next time—I swe-"

He took off his glove and slapped (Y/N) with his metal hand. Hard. She staggered back a bit, leaning on the counter, before looking back up at him.

It stung.

She had tears in her eyes. But she dared not to let them fall. She held her head high and walked out of the room.

As soon as she was out, though, her tears fell like rain. However, she didn't make a sound. God forbid he hear—she didn't want to be hit again. So she went to the place she knew was safe. Anywhere but inside that house.

She went outside into the backyard. Clem was there. He smiled at her, but quickly noticed something was wrong. He may not look the part, but had the good half of Membrane's qualities—meaning he was still very observant. And he could notice when something was wrong.

"(Y/N). WhAt's wrOng?" He reached his pudgy hand towards her face.

She flinched away.

He slowly pulled his hand back as (Y/N) began to un-tense. "I'm sorry, Clem. I just-"

"I knOw. Is OkAy. wEll, nOt OkAY, yOu knOw whAt I mEAn," he said.

(Y/N) smiled. She took Clem's hand into hers.

"hE hUrt yOu, dIdn't hE?" Clem asked.

"Yes, but he didn't mean-"

"LISten tO yOurSElf, (Y/N). I dIdn't ASk if hE meANT tO. I aSked if hE dID."

(Y/N) opened her mouth before closing it and thinking.

"cOme with mE," he said. He lead (Y/N) into the garage. She had helped Dib clean it up after the florpus incident. Not to mention the mess reminded her of him. Hopefully Dib would be different from his father...

Clem led (Y/N) to a desk drawer. It was slightly ajar. She could make out that there were papers inside, but she couldn't tell what they were.

Until she got closer.

Clem spoke up. "hE gOt thEse yEsterDAy," he said, pulling the drawer open further.

Across the middle of the paper, there were the words, "DECREE OF DIVORCE". (Y/N) just stood there. Not crying. Not smiling. Just...numb.

"I knOw it wILL tAke sOme tIme to cOme tO tErms," Clem said. "I'm gOing to gIve yOU a hUg, oKAy?"

(Y/N) hummed a yes. And she was enveloped in the squishiness of Clembrane.

"I don't want to sleep in his room tonight," she spoke. Her voice was hushed. As if her words were trying to sneak away before something caught them.

"yOu wANNa sLEEp wITh me?" Clem asked. (Y/N) blushed. He realized what (Y/N) thought he meant and turned and red-orange.

"NONONONO! SLEEp in thE sAme rOOm! sILLy!" He went on to mutter about how silly she was, before being cut off by a kiss on the cheek.

(Y/N) hugged Clem. "I'd love to." Clem held her hand and took her back to his quarters (the guest bedroom).

She went and got her pajamas from one of the drawers. It wasn't the first time she spent the night in Clem's room. Asking Clem to turn around, she got dressed. She put on a pastel pink romper and told Clem he could look.

"yOU lOOk aMAZing (Y/N)!!" he said. (Y/N) blushed.

"He always hated this outfit..."

"wEll, hE isn't hEre!"

(Y/N) laughed. Clem was right. Membrane wasn't here. She smiled. Clem laid down onto to bed and (Y/N) laid next to him, hugging his side. Soon, they fell asleep.


As Membrane walked down the stairs the next morning, he thought about what he had done the night before. He didn't regret it. In his mind, he did what needed to be done. (Y/N) was just sensitive.

But then he saw (Y/N) and Clem on the couch. Papers were spread all over the coffee table.

"Clean up that mess and get to work on breakfast," he said.


He paused. And turned around. "What was that?"

"We need to talk, Professor." Clem was squeezing her hand. She was trembling.

"I was willing to ignore your outfit, but with that rudeness I may have to comment on it."

"I'm being serious. We need to talk. Sit down and fill out the rest of these papers..." (Y/N) began. "We are getting a divorce."

1163 words

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