Piercing Drabble

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This is me procrastinating. 😌

"Relax! It won't hurt!"


For a casual experiment, (Y/N) was going to pierce an ear for both (Y/N) and Membrane. What was the experiment on? It was based on an observation (Y/N) and the kids had collectively noticed.

Membrane was afraid to be vulnerable.
Membrane did not like new situations.
He was acting like a-

"Dad, I got mine pierced when I was five. Stop being a whiny bitch." One of Membrane's kids said blatantly.

"Gaz! You can't say that about our dad!" Dib whisper-yelled.

"Why can't I?" Gaz opened her eye and glared at Dib.

After a series of unintelligible noises, he concluded with, "He's our dad!"

"No, su hermana es correcta. Soy un perra." Membrane said, defeated.

"You bet he is! But he's my perra!" (Y/N) said, cooing into Membrane's un-pierced ear. "Would you want to do mine first?"

Membrane rapidly got out of the chair and shoved (Y/N) down into it. They laughed as they were pushed into the seat.

It was only after that happened that he realized he was going to be the one piercing (Y/N)'s ears. Immediately, he started freaking out. His pulse rushed and he was pacing.

"Babe, come on."

"Don't be a pussy." Gaz said without looking up from her game.

Membrane shot his foul-mouthed daughter a glare. Frustrated, he looked at the needle in his hand. How was he supposed to hurt his beloved (Y/N)?

"What are you waiting for Miguel?" (Y/N) broke his train of thought.

"You're gonna laugh." He said, obviously stalling.

"Spit it out, Miguel." They demanded. He sighed deeply.

"I was going to say it is because I'm nervous about hurting you." (Y/N) reached up and held his face.

"Oh baby, you could never hurt me." (Y/N)'s face switched to one of absolute nothingness. "But seriously. You're being ridiculous. You can't hurt me with that puny needle." Membrane took a step back an feigned hurt. Nonetheless, he repositioned himself and placed the needle next to the marked place on (Y/N)'s earlobe.

"Miguel!" (Y/N) shouted. Catching him off guard, he pushed the needle through (Y/N)'s ear as he yelped in surprise. His eyes went wide as he stared at the needle now in your skin.

"Dios mío, are you okay?" Membrane asked. Only instead of answering, (Y/N) laughed and just told him to continue. He threaded the earring front onto the needle, pushed the needle through, and put the back on.

"See, that wasn't so hard, right?" (Y/N) laughed. Membrane mumbled something in Spanish before switching places with (Y/N).

(Y/N) leaned over Membrane as he sat in the chair. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle." They whispered. He turned beet red and covered his face. Time seemed to stand still for him. Well, that was until...

"Okay and... it's through."

"Espera para un momento, what?"

"I'm done. I told you that you were being a big baby." (Y/N) said.

"Are you kidding me?!" He said. (Y/N) couldn't help but laugh at the man they loved.

He did look charming with that stud...

538 words
Okay so I had to write something because I needed to say the game is definitely not coming out by the end of the month jeldjskjsjskshkskalaldjkdks

Depression has been hitting me hard and it's been really tough for me as of late to do much of anything. But I'm still kicking!! And you can't get rid of me that easily!!! >:D

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