Jealous! Membrane x Fem! Reader (Smut)

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(Y/N)'s POV

Miguel and I were out at a bar. We were celebrating the success of his latest invention. He chose to go to one that was relatively close to our house. It wasn't until I started drinking that he said he was going to refrain from joining me. Most of the night went smoothly, laughing at jokes that weren't funny in the slightest. But it all changed when a rough hand slapped my ass. I looked over in the direction of the assailant and found a drunk man giggling.

"Heyyyyyyyyy, sweet cheeks~ How about youu and mee get outta this placee... and I show you a good time?"

I stood there, not quite understanding what was said to me. The gears turned in my head as I thought. My face turned bright red as I finally processed what was just said to me.

"Oh! Uhm... ex-excuse me but I'm... I'm..." Miguel came up behind me from the other side of the bar and "glared" at the man. Said man looked like he shat himself. While I didn't intend for this to happen, and you were sorry for the creep,

He seemed to grow anxious the longer we stayed there. Guilt pooled inside my gut. I bobbed and weaved through the busy bar, looking for Miguel. I spotted his zigzagging lock of hair and made my way to him. I was pushed around in the crowd of people, but I eventually got there. Panting, I managed to get his attention.

"(Y/N)! There you are!" He said, concerned.

"Would you... wanna go home?" I asked him, tugging on his sleeve and slightly slurring my words. He took me by the hand, paid the bartender, then took me into his arms.

I was confused, but I let him carry me. Truth be told, I don't think I would be able to walk very well due to my tipsiness.

"Heyyyy Miguel~" I cooed

"Yes, my beloved?" He asked.

"Do you know how... big... yer dick is???" Membrane's face turned beet red. "Like,,, have you measured it????"


"I wanna know how big you are, Miguel~" I whispered, finger dragging along his chest. "I need to know how much of you is gonna fit~"

If he wasn't red at this point, you're colorblind. The rest of the short walk home was filled with similar questions; all receiving similar responses.

When we finally got home, he shoved me to the wall, grinding his knee against the pooling heat between my legs.

"Mi-Miguel! Ah~!"

"No tolero ver alguien coquetea contigo." He growled in a husky voice. "Tú eres mío."

How could I say no when I was already in the mood and he was right there, teasing me? I rutted myself onto his knee, pleasuring myself while he took in my form. He ran his big, robotic hands down my sides. The metal made me shiver as I ground myself into him.  It felt so good.

Soon enough, it went to the bedroom. He threw me onto the sheets and he threw off his lab coat revealing his customary black turtleneck and slacks. Though, it didn't truly matter what he was wearing, as it quickly ended up crumpled on the floor next to my own clothes.

We were both naked, admiring each other's bodies from afar, when we decided to have a closer look. He lined his dick up to my sipping pussy and he pushed his way inside of me. It was gut-wrenchingly slow to the point that it was painful.

"Damn, Miguel. Can you go any slower?" I moaned out.

He growled into my neck. Adjusting his grip on my thighs, he sharply thrusted into me, balls deep inside my slick flesh. I threw my arms around his neck at the sudden sensation. I'm sure I left marks. But we didn't care. All that mattered was the carnal desire burning inside both of us.

He roughly thrusted inside me, hands gripping my ass with vigor. He pulled out to the head of his penis before thrusting the rest of his shaft back in. He repeated this act over and over again, making me squirm underneath him.

We were both trembling with anticipation. He groaned out my name as I moaned his. I dragged my nails along his back, most likely drawing blood. But knowing Miguel, it probably turned him on. In fact, it was quite obvious the effect it had on him. He let out a husky groan and moaned my name, eyebrows knitting together.

A white hot knot began to tighten in my stomach. "Miguel!" I called out.

"Sí, mi vida?" He gritted through his teeth.

"I think I'm... I think I'm gonna-"

"Shhhh. También mi amor. Un momento más..." He growled into my neck.

"¡Dime mi nombre!"


His thick, hot cum spilled inside me, painting my insides white. I had an IUD, so I didn't have to worry too much about pregnancy. Using the last of his strength, he collapsed beside me.

"What... what was the reasoning behind this?" I panted.

"Mmmmm, no motivó." He mumbled, holding me closer in his arms.

"You had to have had a reason." I played with his chest hair as I waited for a response.

"He doesn't deserve to be mentioned, querida."

"Oh, so the reason is a he?" I said, grinning. He squirmed a bit as I continued to play with his chest hair before I finally put two and two together.

"Oh my god. Miguel, were you jealous?" I gasped. He turned a bright pink and looked away. "You totally were!!" I whispered. "You, the great Professor Membrane, were jealous! I can't believe it." I say under my breath.

"Conejita, por favor deja de hablar del hombre terrible." He groaned.

I giggled and pulled his face closer to mine before leading him into a kiss. When we pulled away, all I said was, "Don't worry; your secret is safe with me~"

1001 words

I told myself it would be over 1000 and guess what guys

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