Vampire! Membrane x Fem! Reader (Headcanons)

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So my bf broke up with me. So I had to completely redo what I had planned with this.

We're still friends, and maybe I'll do this the way I intended eventually, but who knows.

Anyways onto the story.

- You were being chased by a guy who wanted to do... things... with you.

- Obviously you want no part since you 1. Don't know him. 2. Aren't attracted to him.

- You were running for the hills when it started storming. With the sparse moonlight due to the clouds, you became completely lost.

- All you could fall back on was a legend – where the town's most famous patron of the sciences resided.

- It was said that it was somewhere in the woods, but no one knew exactly where.

- But you had no other choice but to hope that you were fortunate enough to stumble upon it.

- You were pretty sure you lost your suitor, but you kept running, just in case.

- Soon enough you came upon a large metal gate. Was this it?

- You quickly scaled the fence. Hopefully the owner would understand, given the circumstances.

- You climbed over the side, carefully avoiding the spikes on the top. But despite your best efforts, your nightgown was torn.

- You hurried around the ornate fountain, rushing to the door of the equally ornate mansion.

- You politely knocked, but the door simply swung open.

- You gingerly walked inside the mansion, waiting for someone to yell about an intruder, but nothing came.

- You took another step away from the entrance, and the door slammed behind you. The candles lining the walls proceeded to illuminate the room.

- For a moment, you were worried. After all, it seemed like magic.

- But upon closer inspection, they were simply wired to light sequentially.

- Your curiosity ignited, causing you to begin exploring the mansion for any other exciting things.

- You found the dining room, a small room with two chairs — one was dusty; the other pristine.

- "Who only cleans one chair?" You thought out loud.

- You moved on from room to room until you got to the library

- You picked up a book about something that sounded interesting.

- You were so engrossed in reading that you didn't hear the footsteps behind you.

- A hand touched your shoulder.

- You whipped around and hit your opponent in the face with the book.

- "AGH! ¡Dios mío, eso dolió!"

- You instantly dropped the book and put your hands over your mouth. "Oh my god, I'm so so so sorry-" You rushed over to him. "Are you okay?"

- He held his face, and balanced himself on the bookcase next to him. It was then that you actually got a good look at the man you just attacked.

- He was mostly obscured by a black cloak with red lining. But the parts of him that were visible gave him a wealthy, regal vibe.

- He was hunched over, but even still, you could tell he was extraordinarily tall.

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now