Membrane x Enby! Alien! Reader (H&C)

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It's H&C because I didn't know what else to put it as :")
Also it's less of a romance thing and more of a Membrane centered story thing

Outside POV

The Membrane family sat at the table eating breakfast. Gaz was already done and waiting by the door, backpack in hand. Dib, however, was still eating due to the fact that he was talking.

Membrane himself halfheartedly listened as his son droned on about the neighbor boy. He was a bit preoccupied over his latest experiment. He was utterly giddy over it. It was something new! Exciting! 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙡𝙮. He only zoned back in when his son mentioned the word "alien".

"For the last time, aliens are not real, son," he said, rubbing his temples. "They never have been, and never will be. Now it's time for you to go to hi-skool."

"But Dad!" Dib cried.

"No buts. You need your education." Membrane grabbed Dib's backpack and handed it to him. "Go to skool."

Dib grumbled and followed his sister out the door, leaving Membrane to his own devices. Being the man he is, he raced down to the lab in his basement. He kept all his personal projects down there. Wouldn't want some of his employees to see what he had been working on... would we?

He raced down the staircase and walked into the lab. The off white walls and tile were a stark contrast to the warm blues and purples of the rooms upstairs. But he didn't mind. He was more focused on the creature inside the chamber he had set up.

It had come from a ufo landing in a nearby town, one the news was quick to cover. So, while he got the alien, he also used his power to declare it a hoax. And just like that, life went back to normal, and he had what he wanted.

He reached the bottom the stairs and rushed to the table that had his notebook. He made one specifically for studying this alien. He hadn't made much progress, however. All he knew was that it wasn't ready for the earth's gravity and that it secreted water-soluble substances that turned the water in the chamber a pale, translucent green over the span of a week.

Going back to the basics he was taught, he examined the specimen physically the best he could (considering it was curled in a ball).

"The creature is similar in shape to that of a human. Perhaps analogous evolution?" He wondered out loud. He turned around to document his questions and simplistic ideas. Membrane decided to do some research in what the chemical secreting from its skin could be, deciding that it secreted small amounts of Nickel(ii) Chloride.

Nickel(ii) Chloride, or more commonly referred to as Nickel Chloride, was a carcinogen to the lungs and nasal passages upon prolonged exposure. It is irritating upon ingestion, inhalation, and skin contact.

"So... cover yourself and we should be fine..." It wasn't too much of a problem for Membrane considering he always wore a surgical mask.

Then again, it shouldn't break out any time soon, so it shouldn't matter. The glass was two inches thick. There was no way it would escape easily.

Satisfied with the minor development, he continued to watch the alien intently, waiting for something to happen, documenting the movement of the creature all the while. After hours of nothing, he went back upstairs, unaware that someone was watching.

Membrane went up the stairs and decided to head into his workout room. After using the equipment for a while, he left to go watch TV. Eventually his kids came home. He was passed out on the couch.

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now