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A/N y'all better request some stuff soon bc im only mostly dumb and im very dumb on my own
Btw I can write a bit of Spanish but please please please correct me if I mess something up. I'm in Spanish II Honors but I'm still very much from the Midwest.


Knock knock knock. My knuckles rapped on the door to the Membrane household. Heavy, clunky footsteps resounded through the house as I instinctively stepped back.

"hELLOOOO Y/NN!!!" A big red fish kinda thing that vaguely resembled Membrane opened the door. Apparently, this was the creation of the one weird kid with that skin condition. But who knows?

"wOUld yOU liKE sOme sUper pUdding??" The kids had nicknamed the 'clone' Clembrane, which was a surprisingly good fit. I shook my head and grinned.

"No thanks, Clem. Is your 'imposter' here?" I asked, giggling.

"OH!! yEssirEE AUO'LL gEt Him WIGHT NOWWW!!" The fishy and round clone turned to the inside of the house. "MEMBWAAAANE!!! YOUW BOYFWIEND IS HEREEE!" He turned back to me with a large smile on his face. He made the motion for me to hook my arm with his to go inside. Laughing, I took his offer and stepped in.

Gaz was sitting in front of the TV, playing some game with her GameSlave hooked up to it.
"Hey Y/N," she grunted. Despite her not being able to see me, I waved back a hello.

Loud but calm footsteps filled the hallways as you smiled. He always hates it when Clem says you're his boyfriend.

"GAH! YOU KNOW WE AREN'T DA-" Membrane finally materialized in the hallway and looked at me. He didn't have his lab coat on for once and instead was wearing boxer shorts, a stained tank-top, and a surgical mask covering the lower half of his face.

"Oh, hello Y/N, would you like me to cook somethi-"

Gaz turned around, opening one of her eyes giving him a cold stare. "Don't." She slowly turned back to her game as Membrane remained shocked, and rather scared.

With a shaky breath, he softly sighed. "Would you like anything-?" Gaz shot him a glare "that I don't have to cook?"

I laughed and shook my head. "You?"

"I DO! Y/N CAN COOK GOOD I WANT PIZZA!"Gaz yelled from the other room. Membrane shook his head.

"Would you mind?" He asked. Despite his eyes being covered by his glasses, I could tell he was giving me puppy dog eyes.

I smirked and nodded. "For you~" I joked, cupping his cheek with my hand. The uncovered portion of his face turned red as he sputtered a series of flustered mumbles. God, he's so cute.

Since Membrane wasn't allowed to cook anything at all, there wasn't anything other than junk food in the house. Sighing, I patted his head.

"Gotta go to the store watch the kids for me," I yelled before I left.


"Jeez. The tension between you two is so thick not even the MegaUltraShiningBlade could cut it."

"Gaz. Honey. Please don't interfere with Daddy's love life." After a second he muttered, "Te amo mucho, pero no puedes. Por favor...para."

~time skip to when y/n gets back from~
the store and lets just say after you ~cooked the food~


"Dinner," I said dramatically, "is served!" Membrane smiled under his mask. "Gaz, could you go get your brother from the weird kid's house?"

"Yeah sure." She said. Right before she walked out the door, she shouted, "DAD HAS SOMETHING TO TELL YOU BYE!"

I looked at my blushing scientist and smirked, "Oh really? And what might that be?" Membrane turned bright red as he covered his face with his robotic hands. He made some incoherent mumbles; the most notable being "idntwnnatewyu". I giggled and moved his hands away.

"Something tells me it has to do with me~" I teased. He mumbled some more.

"What was that, I couldn't hear you~!"

"Umm..." He paused, fumbling with his metal fingers, "mierda, TE AMO!"

I blushed. From my time with the Membranes, I'd picked up on a bit of Spanish.

Hesitantly, I smiled. "Te amo también." Behind his goggles, his eyes lit up. He picked me up and swirled me around the room. I hung onto his neck for dear life, but I knew he wouldn't let anything hurt me.

Before I knew it, I felt thin, warm lips pressed against mine for a brief second. I gasped as he quickly set me down in shock of what just happened. His mask was off. He was so cute.

"I'm I'm so sorry that was that was that was sooo unprofessional I just-"

I cut him off with another kiss on the lips, this one more passionate than the last. He seemed surprised, but quickly melted into it. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, running my hands through his uncombed hair.

I pulled away with a smirk. "God, you're so cute~" Membrane chuckled and let go of me save for cupping my cheek.

"Dulce, I'm no mirror." He smiled. I leaned into his touch and wrapped myself in his arms.

"I love you so much. It was so hard watching you try to talk to me without turning red," I giggled. There he goes again. I sneaked a quick peck on his chin before putting his mask back up.

We stayed standing there for a while, but it didn't seem long enough.

"IT'S ABOUT TIME!" Gaz shouted as she burst down the door, Dib by her side. We both turned a vibrant crimson.
"DIB! Y/N made us pizza. Come on I'm hungry." I felt Membrane's chest vibrate as he laughed at his kids.

This felt like home.
I could get used to this.

971 words
A bit shorter but shhhhh it's gay so we're good.

• Te amo mucho, pero no puedes. Por favor...para. - I love you so much, but you can't. Please... stop.
• Te amo - I love you
• También - as well / too
• Mierda- shit

UPDATE 12/16/19
so I forgot to draw a thing for this and I don't wanna get a pencil so here's some self promo haha

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