Membrane x Insecure! Reader (Headcanons)

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- let's fucking go lads

- this is totally not me procrastinating again hahaha whaaaa

- anyways these are headcanons about you being super insecure about how you seem to other people

- you kinda started isolating yourself from conversations

- just kinda moving to the side. Out of the way. You know?

- and it took a while for anyone to notice

- Gaz was actually the one to notice it

- you talked to her the most but all of a sudden, you just stopped.

- so obviously she's worried.

- she's always concerned for the gamers

- but she is smart

- she has already figured out that she can't help you with this

- out of her pay grade tbh

- so she'd go to her dad

- Miguel is even more unsure of what to do

- he knows science, not people!

- but he's an adult!

- he has children!

- he has won several accolades for being smart!

- how hard could it be?

- extremely.

- your thinking is completely irrational

- and when he tells you that you just sob harder

- in a moment of panic, he hugs you

- you flinch

- he starts to pull away but you hold him there

- he starts to rub circles into your back

- "ah, mi vida. Te preocupas demasiado."

- "what if they think I'm a bad person?"

- "then they're wrong. Simple as that."

- how he spoke so confidently, you didn't know.

- "listen, (Y/N). I don't think you're a bad person. And if anyone does, I'll change their mind."

- "Miguel, please don't hurt them" you said, chuckling

- "no promesas" he said kissing your head

- you chuckle and hug him back

- who cares what other people think? You've got him, and he's all you really need

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now