Membrane x Male! Baker! Reader (Fluff)

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faepauff I love you so fucking much I just hhhhhh

Headcanon style babey

- so we all know by now that Membrane can't cook
- if not now you know
- but he sucks
- like he can only make super toast,,, that's it
- all he's allowed to make is toast
- theres several reasons why

- so when you came into his life his kids were overjoyed
-no more constant takeout from babysitters
- no more arguably bad pudding from Clembrane
- no more burnt toast when Foodio is out of order
- no more fake food when he IS in order

- and you're a baker so
- real GOOD food
- the children are ecstatic
- it doesn't matter if you're even a good person, they love you because food

- you decide to cut the man some slack and try to teach him to cook
- after all you can't be there for the kids all the time
- but teaching this man to make even the simplest of things was going to be a challenge

- this man was like the Murphy's law of baking
- like Jesus Christ why is the stove on??
- why did you put oil in the pan???

- you nearly have a heart attack trying to show him how to make a grilled cheese sandwich
- but you take a deep breath and collect yourself
- lets just teach him how to make a regular sandwich

- this mf doesn't have a toaster
- he uses a blowtorch
- you begin to understand why the only thing he can make is super toast

- calm down (Y/N) just take a few deep bre-
- wait oh god what is he doing with a blowtorch in the kitchen where his kids can reach it
- okay time to get a real toaster

- one trip to the store later and we have a proper toaster
- you have to show him how to work it khdksnd
- but no more blowtorch <:)
- this is already a huge improvement

- where were we?
- oh right. sandvich

- lets make a toasted pb&j
- something so simple not even he can fuck it up
- he fucked it up
- how in the
- he put
- he put both on the same slice of bread

- ahem- after staring in a shocked silence for a good minute, you show him the right way to make a pb&j- "ahhh, yes, that seems much more scientific"- bitch what

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- ahem
- after staring in a shocked silence for a good minute, you show him the right way to make a pb&j
- "ahhh, yes, that seems much more scientific"
- bitch what

- ignoring that (hopefully) joke, you give the sandwich to Dib and Gaz
- you obviously don't say it was made by Membrane
- because he's not allowed to cook

- but now, he might be allowed to make simple sandwiches
- because the kids thought it was okay
- then you say their dad made it and Gaz spits out her juice

- "Gazlene, calm down."

- you remember when he put water on a grease fire

- "I'm not too sure myself but good news"
- you show Gaz the toaster
- she is in awe

- Membrane sees what y'all are doing and comes down and omg
- he is so happy his kids liked something he made
- this is too wholesome
- kinda sad at the same time but wholesome
- group hug time

- you're still going to be the main cook though

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