Married! Membrane x Top! Male! Reader (smut & angst)

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Oooo spicy FearTheHime
We're going right into the fucking so 👀
Also sorry my dude. It's gonna be relatively short because hoo-boy my brain used a bunch of its thinking power on the last one.
For @faepauff, who still wants to voice how much they miss the mem dick, I will leave links to the uncensored version which will be on my tumblr. I'm violating the law. Be gay. Do crime. Draw dicks.

(s/w) is safe word btw

Outside POV

The bed creaked under the weight of what was being done on top of it. The scientist was caught in the midst of it all. He was currently being roughly fucked by (Y/N). He couldn't even try to hide his moans. A constant slapping of skin laid the beat for him to keep the melody. His moans grew louder by the minute.

"Love, be quiet." (Y/N) bit Membrane's ear. (Y/N) moved his hand from Membrane's chest onto his mouth. Robotics hands gripped the sheets, threatening to pull them off. Bone hit bone. Tears threatened to spill from the his eyes. As good as it felt to have (Y/N)'s dick pounding into him, the unshakable throb of twisted insides could cause it to come (lol) to an end. Membrane moaned loudly into the other's hand as the sheets were splattered with a thick white. (Y/N) kept thrusting until he finished as well. He wanted to lay with the man, but he knew the drill. He pulled himself off of Membrane's bare body and cleaned off the both of them. He changed the sheets and redressed himself and they'd go on with their lives like nothing happened.

Except (Y/N) couldn't. He couldn't forget the thick tension between them when it first happened. They'd been friends for years—they already had a bond. Add in some alcohol and the night became nothing more than a hazy memory and a numb ass. That was the only reason either of them knew.

(Y/N) would have been fine if it was just a one time thing. It would've been fine if that never happened again. But it did. Over and over again. What used to be a gentle friendship became a one-sided conversation with a person who couldn't understand. They used to be friends. And then... he continued living life like before. Like nothing had happened.

Then, a month later, Membrane called (Y/N) over to his house. He lead him to the bed and it happened once more. The constant buildup of sexual tension was reminiscent of the knot in Membrane's gut before white covered the sheets. (Y/N) stayed with him that night. And Membrane was gone. (Y/N) always left first after that.

This routine happened month after month. It turned into week after week, and the days started to blur. (Y/N) felt confused. What were they? Friends with benefits, partners, or just two strangers that use each other as toys?

It didn't matter anymore. After the first year it was clear what Membrane's intentions were. All that mattered now were lips pressed together as one was pressed against a wall. The stripping of clothes was simply routine now. He didn't even have to think about it. Chest pressed against chest; arms pressed against cold, unfeeling metal. A moan filled the silence. Slip of the tongue, I suppose. The routine went on. (Y/N)  pressed his dick against Membrane's lubed ass and started thrusting. There was no longer a need for a warning. Just the immediate ecstasy for the one screaming. Just like the first time, it started out slow. But that didn't last for long. When push came to shove, it came to push and shove.

The days and nights blurred together. Everything became hazy in the eyes of a lust-based relationship. The only thing that could be remembered was the event that happened twice a week. Everything else is just filler.

But the guilt didn't stop there. Just a few months ago, he got married. Married to your best friend. It was a struggle to look them in the eye. How could you after knowing what had just happened in their bed?


"One last time." (Y/N) said, taking off his clothes. Membrane stopped.


"One more time. Then we're done." He turned around. "It may not be an issue for you, but I can't look my best friend in the eye knowing I'm fucking their husband behind their back."

The scientist looked up at (Y/N), closed eyes appearing wide. After a long pause, he spoke. "Then I guess we'll have to make the most of it."

(Y/N) pulled out a bottle of lube. He squirted some onto his fingers before stretching Membrane out. It didn't take long due to the regular sex, but proper coating is important. After a solid minute or two of lubing up, (Y/N) began to align his dick to Membrane's ass. Standard procedure.

"(s/w), right?" The man below me nodded.

"Go slower this time, (Y/N). I want to remember this." He grunted as (Y/N) slid into him.

With a rough thrust, (Y/N) smiled. "I don't think you're in any place to make decisions." A few painstakingly slow thrusts later, the scientist spoke up.

"Date prisa, gilipollas." Membrane muttered before letting out a moan.

"Oh, shut up." (Y/N) slammed his hips against Membrane harder and faster. The wet sound of skin hitting skin echoed in the otherwise silence. Soon, (Y/N) was stroking Membrane's cock as well.

"¡Allí! ¡No paras!" Membrane cried. (Y/N) abandoned his cock. Instead, he picked up the other's legs, readjusting himself to fulfill the command.

Thrusting in that spot yielded more moans from Membrane.

"¡(Y-Y/N)! Me acabo-"

He thrusted into Membrane, punctuating each sentence. "Just... hold on. You. Filthy-" A groan escaped his lips before he could finish his thought. He was going to miss the feeling of fucking someone. But that didn't matter right now.

After a few thrusts, (Y/N) leaned onto Membrane's back. "Wanna cum?" He growled.

"¡Sí! ¡Por favor, sí!" Membrane screamed. One could say it seemed desperate.

(Y/N) laughed darkly, "Alright Then. Three... Two..." White stained their vision and the bedsheets.

The sputtering of an engine signaled a car pulled into the driveway.


How could something so simple send terror running through someone's veins? While (Y/N) didn't quite know, he knew what was at stake. As much as he grew to dislike Membrane, the man had a valuable reputation. One that not even (Y/N) felt the need to destroy. Quickly pulling out and gathering his clothes, (Y/N) hid in the nearest escape. How ironic that it should be the closet.

Then his spouse walked in. They said words he couldn't hear. They laughed.

They were... happy...

Tears began to roll down (Y/N)'s face. He realized this long ago, but the confirmation dealt a swift sting. He was just Membrane's plaything. He didn't matter to him. He was just a toy. One he didn't want to play with anymore...

(Y/N) bit his lip as he watched the two embrace. The spouse left the room, leaving only their lover. (Y/N) opened the door and silently pushed Membrane aside. He ignored his friend's shocked gasp and left the house before getting in his car and driving away. Nothing mattered anymore. Not him.

1202 words


Oh yeah I just got out of a toxic relationship so uh
I'm single now :)

I could make a part 2, but that would be after my break from this.

oh right translations

• date prisa - hurry up
• gilipollas - douchebag/asshole
• me acabo - I'm cummingggggggggggg

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