Nightmare! Membrane x Test Subject! Male! Reader pt2 (H&C)

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Professor Membrane was testing out his dimensional scope on you, causing you to disappear from that reality and into the nightmare dimension where Nightmare! Membrane resides. He has agreed to help you find a way home, but he doesn't intend to keep his promise.


Outside POV

When (Y/N) woke up the next morning, he was awfully warm. Warmer than the previous night, at least. He opened his eyes and looked around the room he was in, mind refreshing itself on what happened the night prior.

This... wasn't what he wanted to wake up to.

If he was being honest, he'd rather wake up to his cat, Princess, laying on his face than be somewhere he didn't truly recognize. But hey, beggars can't be choosers, right?

(Y/N) shrugged off the thick blanket and heaved himself out of the bed. The hardwood floor was frigid, sending shivers up his spine. With a yawn, he went to the doorway.

There was a mirror hanging on the door. (Y/N) looked at himself — there were his standard dark circles under his eyes. They seemed slightly better than the last time he looked in the mirror, though.

"Enough mirror gazing," (Y/N) said to himself, refocusing himself on his situation. He was going to find out when he could go home.

(Y/N) made his way out of the room, and looked out at the staircase to his left, then down the rest of the hallway. It continued down for two more doors. If he remembered correctly, it was supposedly Gaz's and some other room.

(Y/N) started down the staircase and saw who he assumed to be the Gaz in question. She was playing a game on a handheld console, but (Y/N) had no clue what it was. It didn't remind him of any that were in his world.

But he wasn't in his world.

He finished going down the staircase and walked behind the couch, trying not to draw any attention to himself.

Unfortunately, this didn't work.

Gaz whipped her head around, revealing her lack of a lower jaw. She didn't seem to have any skin on her face, yet her eyes were closed. How...?

It didn't matter, however, as she started growling and salivating. "We're going to enjoy experimenting on you! Hahaha!" (Y/N) backed away until he felt his back press against something cold.

"¡Ey! Él es un invitado. ¡No experimentes!"

(Y/N) craned his neck up to look at the odd version of Membrane. (Y/N) gulped and smiled sheepishly. Membrane looked down at (Y/N) and put a hand on his shoulder. Gaz huffed and turned back around, playing her game.

Membrane grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and lead him to a staircase leading down. They descended the stairs, and Membrane guided (Y/N) to what seemed very similar to the device that brought him here in the first place — minus the fact that it wasn't quite finished.

"Is this the Dimensional Scope?" (Y/N) asked.

Membrane nodded before whipping his head to be inches from (Y/N)'s. "How did you know that?"

Gently pushing Membrane's face away, (Y/N) replied, "It's what the other Membrane called it. Calm down."

To that, Membrane picked (Y/N) up by his shoulders. "How does HE know what I'm calling it?"

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now