Depressed! Touch Starved! Reader (Angst)

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AN cussed my grandpa out a while ago for just sitting there while we were panicking trying to get my grandma to the hospital so jekshslsskshsk
Trigger warnings for depression and self harm


"Fuck..." Blood oozed out of one of my newer cuts. I looked desperately for the bandages and set them on the sink. "Gotta clean these out again. Don't want him to..." My mind raced as I thought about Professor Membrane's reaction to my scarred arms and thighs if he ever found out. Oh god...anyone but him.

After moving away from my hometown, I had taken up residence here. The mortgage was cheap and the house was in good condition. Living next to a practical celebrity was just an added bonus.

It wasn't hard to see why he was beloved by so many outside the scientific community. He radiated an aura of mystery and intrigue. No one truly knew what his face looked like—some people doubted if he was even human!

His eyes were constantly covered by teal-tinted goggles, his nose and mouth by an oversized collar. He kept his arms covered by long, dark rubber gloves. The only parts of him that weren't covered were patches on his face, the sides, and the top of his head.

Not much to go off of.

But despite the rumors, he was, for the most part, human. And I'd found myself falling for him like countless others before. He was very affectionate with his family—even his sentient inventions. I honestly wish I could be part of that family too. What would it be like being able to wake up to some-

"Owwwww." My wrist was currently submerged under scalding water. It killed off the germs faster and numbed the pain at least. With that done, I coated my fingers in vaseline, wincing as I slathered the cuts. Next the bandages. Wrapping them gingerly around my arms, my brain went back to its thoughts.

How could he love someone who can't even tolerate themselves? No one would love me—I DON'T EVEN LOVE ME. I kneaded the skin on my biceps as I tried calming myself down a bit before something happened. Maybe I just need sleep. Yeah, that's it. I got into bed and pulled up the blankets. With a bit of time, I fell asleep.


I groaned as I sat up. Everything was so bright. Wait, bright? I looked around and found myself in Membrane's house. Franticly I looked at my arms. They were still bandaged. Good.

"I changed them for you." I jumped, hand going to my chest to steady myself. It took a few moments to process what happened.

I'm in Professor Membrane's house. I'm in his bed. He changed my bandages. The color drained from my face as my hands instinctively covered my arms. My eyes strained as I tried not to break down crying.

Membrane sat next to me on his bed, gently putting a robotic hand on my leg. "Why would you do this to yourself?"

I flinched away from his hand as I bit my lip. I just couldn't meet his eyes. There was no way. He placed his other hand on my cheek and tilted my head towards him. I leaned into his touch. No one had done this in such a long time...

"Answer me, Y/N," he said in his soothing baritone voice, "What's going on?"

"I'm pretty sure you can figure that out; you are the smartest man alive after all," I replied bluntly.

"Oh, Y/N," he pulled me into a gentle hug. Feeling me flinch at the initial contact, he pulled back.

"no please don't." I whispered, weakly pulling Membrane's arms towards me again. He seemed confused, but obliged anyways.

He was so warm—like sitting by a crackling fire during the winter. I didn't even register melting into his touch. I hummed happily into his chest. It felt so nice.

Then he started combing his metallic fingers through my hair. I gasped, but leaned back into his hand. He softly laughed.

"You're adorable, dulce," he whispered softly. I had no clue what that meant. I gazed up at him confused as he sighed.

"That's why you're the best lab assistant I've ever had."

My eyes widened as a fake smile plastered onto my face.

"Sure. I... I should get going. I'll be in early tomorrow to make up for this."

He watched me as I slowly set my feet onto the floor. I tried standing up, but stopped when he mentioned how, "You lost a lot of blood" and that it was "unwise for me to test my weakened state with gravity" or some other scientific stuff.

He, instead, carried me back to my house bridal style. He didn't even notice me blushing. He put me back into my house and laid me on my bed.

"Take care of yourself, Y/N. Who else would organize my lab for me? I don't think I could find a replacement," he joked. I smiled weakly, looking to the side to avoid eye contact.

He was just about to leave when I got the courage to ask, "Professor? What do... what do you think of me?"

"Y/N," cocking his head to the side—it seemed like he was smiling—, "you're a great person. I appreciate your work. Now get some rest," and with that, he left.

He may not love me back, but at least he lets me know he cares about me. At least I'm wanted, even if it's for something as mundane as cleaning his lab. He'll never love me, but at least someone needs me to stay.

955 words

Also guys I only got a request the day of uploading this. Y'all need to send more shit in. Seriously.
Don't think about this one too hard and don't mind the girl hiding inside the bleachers lshskdkd

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