Membrane x Step-Parent! Reader (Headcanons)

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I'm doing headcanons for this because I couldn't come up with a plot ;-;

- You met him in the local drugstore.
- You both reached for the last bottle of cold medicine 😳😳😳
- After a flurry of apologies from both parties, you let him have the bottle, much to his displeasure
- "You were here first, take it."
- He had the kind of voice you couldn't say no to.
- Sniffling from the obvious cold, you gratefully take it from him.
- You mumbled another "sorry" and headed to the counter.

- You went up to the counter, him following behind you.
- The medicine was rung up and you sighed. "There is no way I'm going to be able to pay for rent tomorrow..."
- This caught his attention.
- "Hey," He said, "do you want a drink?"
- Confused but not about to turn down a free drink, you said yes.
- You didn't have to worry about your own car because you didn't have one.

- You paid for the medicine and hopped into his Jeep.
- The drive to the bar was filled with slow Mexican music. From the Spanish you knew, it seemed like they were love songs.
- The kind stranger didn't seem to fully understand either so you assumed he just thought it sounded nice.
- "Hey, um," I started. "What's your name?"
- "Oh, I'm Miguel. Miguel Membrane. And you?" You barely registered the last half of what he said.
- This was THE Professor Membrane. You know, the one responsible for saving the entire planet in Peace Day?
- Your mouth ran dry and you struggled to say your name.
- Membrane chuckled. And it was at that moment you fell for him.
- You ended up getting drunk at the bar and kissing him. You didn't really remember that night to well, but he did.

- After that you went on several dates.
- You received a lot of unwanted attention after the first date. Word spread fast in little old Caliente, Nevada.
- But you felt a deep connection with him. And you'd withstand any amount of attention if you were able to make this work.

- And, against all odds, you did. You got married—which was the talk of the town for days—and moved in with him.
- At this point, you had already met his kids, but they still didn't trust you.
- They were used to being alone. They didn't want some weirdo barging in on them.
- You tried to be a good parent, but they really didn't like you. Well, Gaz thought you were trying to entertain Dib's paranormal fantasy a bit too much (she thought you were faking it tbh).
- But she eventually came around after you showed your favorite games to play. She lost it when you brought up the MLP pony creator.

- It is now a tradition to go "ghost hunting" and play COD with the two of them respectively.
- You may have accidentally taught Gaz to swear in English. She already knew a few things in Spanish but now she can say fuck :)
- While Miguel thinks you're a bit odd for indulging his children, he wouldn't have it any other way.
- He loves that you three are getting along.
- How many times do I say that Membrane can't cook?! You're the one doing the cooking. No ifs, ands, or buts. Doesn't matter if you are a bad cook, you can't be worse than him. The kids, who are sick of takeout and food that tastes fake, love your cooking no matter how bad it may be.
- You totally have family movie nights on Saturdays.
- The overwhelming favorites are horror movies. Y'all have watched The Thing so many times.
- Each time Miguel says how unscientific it is. You can't help but laugh at him. Whenever it gets to the lab scenes, he criticizes each detail. It even goes down to how cluttered a real lab should be.
- A real lab shouldn't be cluttered but Membrane has no fucking idea of how that works.
- Let's be honest, everyone knows that he doesn't know how a lab should look. Hell, when he first showed it to you, he was PROUD of the mess.
- He is a mess.
- The whole family is in fact.
- But you are one too.

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