Jealous! Membrane x Male! Reader (Smut)

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I'm so sorry this took so long. School is still kicking my ass.

Public sex
Dirty talk

(Y/N)'s POV

"Dad, hurry up. We're going to miss the Bigfoot hunt!" Dib shouted.

"I've told you before, son. It's just a hiking trip." Membrane sighed. I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

Membrane and I decided to go camping with Dib over the weekend. Gaz was hanging out with her friend Tak, whose dad owned the DEE-licious Weenie company. They seemed to understand each other... somehow. Miguel and I were just glad she had a friend her age.

Where was I? Oh, right. Miguel and I had taken Dib with us on a camping trip. We thought it would be good to get him out of the house and off his "alien monitors". Why he insisted on spying on the neighbor kid was unsure, but it needed to be stopped.

Unfortunately, this is the best we could do.

We were currently getting ready for the hiking trip. And by we, I mean Miguel. He never liked getting help unless it was for science or absolutely necessary.

And that meant he got his hair spike stuck on his turtleneck for quite some time before he accepted help from me.

He eventually gave up. The pestering from his son was too much. Giggling, I pulled the hair out of the collar. He pulled the turtleneck down and over his pants. With him finally ready, we rushed to the hiking trail.

We were, luckily, not the last family there. Thanks to my expertise in getting Miguel's hair out of his collar and his robotic arms, we managed to get there a few minutes before the last group.

"Welcome, everyone!" The guide said. "How are you all today?"

The group responded with various loud answers.

"Good to hear! Now today, we're gonna go on a simple hike. Feel free to take pictures as I tell you about the story of the land!"

"Now, I need a helper..." The guide said, scanning the crowd.

"How about this handsome man help me guide the way?" The hiking guide said, pointing at me.

I blushed, and quietly stuttered out, "I don't really know the area that well..."

"What was that? You need to speak up, sweetheart." The guide said chuckling.

Membrane put his arm around my shoulder and lifted his glove to reveal a ring around one of his robotic fingers. The light caught his goggles, turning them white under the sun's glare.

"My husband said he didn't know the area." He said, gravely.

The guide's face went pale, mortified at the realization. While I appreciated no longer being called pet names by a random stranger, I still felt bad for them.

"Miguel..." I whispered.

He turned his head towards the faint noise. "¿Sí, mi amor?"

"Did you have to scare them like that?" I asked. "They were being inappropriate, but that was a bit much..."

While the lower half of his face was covered, I could tell he was frowning from the furrowing of his brows.

"They were flirting with you." He said. "If anything, I should've done more. I'm not going to sit by and watch as someone else steals your heart."

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now