Membrane x Chubby! Insecure! Reader (H&C)

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AN don't know if I'm allowed to tag them in this since they said I shouldn't reply, but if you're curious as to who requested it check the request page you insolent horny bastards

wait that was mean im sorry i didn't mean it hbggggggg
It's gonna be really short hope it isn't that much of a problem (*° ω°* )

Outside POV

In their room, (Y/N) stood, frowning in the mirror. The tape measure around their waistline was "too long". Their cheeks were "too full". Their thighs "too wide". They couldn't help pinching their stomach as they sucked in their gut.

"I'll never be what he really wants." They said aloud. Fashion magazines full of skinny women and fit men were scattered along the bed. They were nothing like the people in those magazines. They never could be.

Hot, salty tears began to prick at the corners of their vision and threatened to spill. That's when he knocked.

A gentle rapping on the door and a muffled "(Y/N)?" was all it took to send those tears in a beeline towards the floor. As much they tried, they couldn't stifle their sobs.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" They shook their head rapidly, sobbing louder as they tried to pull in more breath. Of course, he couldn't hear their protests—only the near hyperventilation.

"(Y/N), I'm coming in." Their eyes widened as they tried backing up into the corner—they shouldn't let him see them like this.

But that didn't do anything. He slowly walked into the room, immediately finding (Y/N) against the wall. They held their head against their knees, arms holding their legs close.

Membrane looked around the room, finding magazines and tape measures. He didn't even realize this was happening. He got onto his knees and pulled (Y/N)'s hands away from their face, revealing their red, tear stained face. Their eyes were screwed shut.

"Look at me, (Y/N)," he said. They shook their head. He sighed and pulled them into his arms, enveloping them in a warm hug. That was all it took. Tears began to stream down their cheeks, soaking Membrane's pristine lab coat. They tried blubbering apology after apology, but someone cut them off.

"(Y/N). I love you, I wouldn't be here for you otherwise." They looked at him, trying to choke back the tears that were still coming.

"B-but... what about-?" He pressed a finger to their lips, making a gentle "shhh" sound.

"Cariño, I love every part of you. I love you for you. Everything they show in those magazines isn't real, but you are."

Tears slowing, (Y/N) pressed their head into Membrane's chest, muttering a small "thank you".

"Of course, darling. Anything for you."

459 words
I know I know it's really short but like,,, my life is actually fucked right now uwu

I'm still recovering from a really bad depressive episode, my doctors are fucking up my medication, and they refuse to give me migraine medication (which I've been mentioning for 5 years >•\) plus this bitch that literally kidnapped me is trying to get visitation so that's cool i guess kdkslsksj

Also y'all we got some angsty stuff coming up

Rn I'm working on:
Yandere!Membrane x Fem!Reader

I've got the plots figured out but have I written much? Nope

I'm hoping to have at least one released by the end of the month

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