Chubby! Membrane x Male! Reader (H&C with a smutty solution)

276 7 9

Shy_Cryptic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ass eating
Rough sex
Like ow
S&M like Rihanna sang about
More smut than requested oops

Membrane's POV

The kids were at school. I was off work...but (Y/N) wasn't.

I was alone. I was never the best when I was alone.

I walked alone through the house I had built. It started off as a three room building the size of a small cottage. But over the years I had expanded on it so much, I thought it fair to call it my work.

I was never a fan of mirrors. But I had a terrible habit of mirror-gazing. Especially in times where no one could stop me. I made my way to the mirror in the master bedroom. I looked at the mirror in front of me. Something is off. I didn't like it.

Maybe it's me...

I took off my shirt and looked once more. I pinched my belly. There was too much fat. I was fit, and I did have muscles, but the fat was the only thing you could see.

I poked my gut. Soft. Squishy. It should be the opposite of squishy. It should be hard and firm. Not squishy.

I didn't hear the door open.

Someone, presumably (Y/N), wrapped his arms around mine. My suspicions were confirmed when he sighed and pressed his head into my back.

"Honey, what are you doing?" he asked.

"I don't..." I trailed off trying to find the right words. "I-"

He pulled my mechanical arms away from my belly, putting his own above it. "I think you do know what you're doing."

I couldn't see him, but I knew he was staring at me through the mirror. I looked down, to the left. I couldn't look at myself.

"So what was it?"

I struggled to find the words that explained my actions. My mouth went dry and my hands would have been clamming up if they were flesh.

"Pero, es muy difícil para mi explicar pues no encuentra las palabras."

"Intenta. For me. And preferably in English."

I sighed and chuckled at my boyfriend. He always cared about me, maybe a bit too much.

"I...was looking in the mirror."

"Mhmm, and?"

"I was... por el amor de Dios... I was looking at myself."

"And how were you feeling?"


"Answer me, Professor." Oh no. (Y/N) only called me by my legal first name when they were being serious. Or horny, but I doubt that was the case right now.

"... Bad." I mumbled.

(Y/N) unwrapped his arms and walked between me and the mirror. He led me to the bed and motioned for me to sit down. Upon doing so, he sat on my lap. Maybe he was horny.

He put one arm around my neck—to keep himself steady, perhaps. The other rested on my gut.

His hand followed my stretch marks until they stopped. After that he went to the center of my stomach and started rubbing my belly.

He laid his head on my chest as he did so, giving me the perfect opportunity to stroke his hair.

And he stroked my dick.

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now