Toast Drabble

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"Ding dong!"

(Y/N) looked up from their phone and walked to the door. Whoever was screaming "ding dong" at their door either didn't know (Y/N) had a doorbell, or they were well aware of (Y/N)'s doorbell and elected to ignore it.

But based on the familiar scratchiness that comes with preparing one's voice for screamo music, (Y/N) had an idea it was the latter.

Upon opening the door, (Y/N)'s hunch was revealed to be accurate. Before them stood Gaz, one of their partner's kids. In all honesty she was much more tolerable than the other, but that's a story for another day.

"What's up, Gaz?" (Y/N) asked.

Gaz pulled out her GameSlave and nonchalantly said, "Dad's having a mental breakdown and you're probably the only one he'll talk to other than me." She looked up and opened one eye. "And he is NOT talking to me."

(Y/N) frowned, and sighed. "Give me a minute to change into my good shoes." If he was having a breakdown, it was either over something trivial or world-ending. And (Y/N) was not going to take any chances.

After putting on some lab safe boots, Gaz and (Y/N) walked to the Membranes' house. Gaz swung the door open, leaving (Y/N) worried about the safety risk an unlocked door poses.

Membrane must be completely wrecked.

"He's in the kitchen." Gaz spoke calmly, but (Y/N) could tell she was worried. She wasn't typically using her GameSlave this much unless she was trying to distract herself from what was wrong.

(Y/N) walked around the couch and table and into the kitchen. They were shocked to see Membrane sitting head down on the table. Wait... was he... sobbing? Holy shit. What happened?

(Y/N) cleared their throat. "Miguel-"

His sobs momentarily paused. He looked up at (Y/N) and sniffed. He had tears in his reddened eyes as well as trailing down his face. He looked miserable. (Y/N) walked over to him and rubbed circles into his back. They didn't know what was wrong still, but clearly it was important to him.

"What's wrong, dear? You can tell me, I'm here for you," (Y/N) whispered into his ear.

He mumbled something unintelligible.

"Honey, you're going to have to speak up..."

Mutters again.


"I BURNT THE TOAST!" he cried, sobbing vehemently. (Y/N) blinked.


"POR EL AMOR DE DIOS, YO QUÉMELA. YO QUEMÉ LA TOSTADA." He returned to openly sobbing on the table, shoulders heaving up and down with each wail.

(Y/N) looked around. What the fuck could they do? Gaz stood in the doorway, looking at the two of them, and shrugged. She left the room, abandoning (Y/N) to deal with her father. (Y/N) took a seat beside him.

"Look at me, love."

He shook his head.

"Honey. Please." (Y/N) tilted their head to the side.

He slowly lifted his head to look at (Y/N).

"Do you think I don't love you anymore because you messed something up?"

He refused to meet (Y/N)'s gaze. Bingo.

(Y/N) held his head in their hands. "Honey, nothing you do could make me not love you. I know what your limits are, so don't even start on the whole 'what if' train."

He smiled and chuckled. There we go.

"You want me to make you something to eat?"

"Sí mi amor. Muchas gracias." He smiled. He was hungry.

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