Telenovela Drabble

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Just one more frame..." My eyes were struggling to stay open. I'd pulled an all-nighter and had been working on this for at least 5 hours straight. I hadn't eaten lunch... But I needed to get this done. If I didn't get it done, I'd be behind on this project. And if I get behind... I didn't want to think about that.

From behind my headphones, which were blasting the music for the animation, I could just barely make out what I thought was a door creaking. It wasn't time for my husband to get home yet, but who else could it be? I mean, for all I know I forgot to lock the door when I got the mail today. Who's to say it isn't a burglar having a lucky day?

Well, they can take whatever. I'll be working on my animation.

I heard heavy footsteps fall onto the carpet as I drew the same line over and over again. Whoever this burglar was, he wasn't very cautious. Or maybe he was trying to be caught?

Whatever. I just needed to finish this.

It wasn't until I smelled my favorite tea being made that I looked away from my monitor. I pulled off my headphones and turned around to look at who was in the kitchen.

And my eyes relaxed.

"Ahora, tú me mires," Membrane hummed. "You overwork yourself, cariño."

"Miguel, you know I don't have a choice in the matter," I said, leaning my arm over the chair I was in.

"Well, you will now." He emerged with two cups of my favorite tea blend and slowly guided them to the coffee table. "Ven. Siéntate conmigo. It won't hurt to take a break."

He could tell I hesitated, as he then said, "I will drink your cup as well if you don't get over here."

I sighed, smiling, as I got up from my work area and went over to the couch next to the coffee table. I grabbed a cup and leaned into his side. He put an arm around me and turned on the TV.

I saw his eyes sparkle when he looked at the time. "I never get to watch these anymore, since I'm not home when these air." I took a sip of my tea, wondering what he was talking about.


I nearly spat out my tea. HE LIKES TELENOVELAS?

"¿Qué hiciste, Ricardo?" He said in a hushed whisper, taking a sip from his cup.

I couldn't help but chuckle. He was adorable when he was invested in something. I leaned further into him and smiled. I sipped my tea and hummed contently.

"Te amo, Miguel," I sighed.

Membrane looked to me and smiled. "Te amo también, (Y/N)." He pressed a kiss to my forehead, and while he was at my level I booped his nose.

"Tontito~" he smiled. And we went back to watching the thrilling saga of Ricardo and Risa in the hit telenovela: R y R.

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now