Important Please Read

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So, let's be serious for a moment. This book has been on here for over two years. Which means I have a LOT of stories on here.

But I think that this may not be the best place for these anymore.

And in light of what is happening with Paramount+, I think it's time that I unpublish the book for now.

Just until more information comes out about regulation.

The comments and everything should stay. But there's no telling what will actually happen.

So what does that mean for you?

I have a side account on tumblr that has backed up the stories as is (professormembranexreader). I'm in the process of moving to AO3 (bijuliuscaesar), where all the stories will be with a few word choice changes.

(It's mainly just synonyms that work better for what I meant in Spanish.) (I'm too lazy to change it on tumblr.)

Everything on my profile that is actually a story based book will be unpublished except for the monster book.

Because who actually thinks that paramount is going to make a tv series about the Dover demon being a cat?

oh god watch that happen...

Nonetheless this isn't an overnight thing. And this will return. But for now, I'd suggest screenshotting your favorite comment threads and getting ready to go on AO3.

I'd suggest the "Un Poco Loco" thread on "Sub! Membrane x Fem! Dom! Reader (smut duh)".


Before this gets unpublished, I'll make another chapter that will stay up for some time as the final warning.

Hopefully I can get this done before Christmas haha.

Until then, it's been a wild ride. I enjoyed every comment you all have left, and yes, I have read all of them.

Remember, this is not a goodbye, only a see you later.

Professor Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now