Okay so

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Because I have literally no arm strength and I didn't want to seem like a weak bitch

I think I actually hurt my arm in gym a few days ago.
And considering it still hurts now, and I have absolutely no clue when it will (if it does) get better,
Be patient with me putting stuff out pls

Basically tho
My arm decided go to flavortown without me and is snorting some crack on guy fieri's ass and it managed to get everything from Caroline Kornstar's std song in a Molotov that it drank after putting large amounts of ketamine in

And while it really only hurts when I move my arm vertically, it's just like my entire right arm was replaced with tv static if I don't move it vertically. that's the big bad homo and im not currently liking being fucked up the bum by Archangel Gabriel and his holy toga

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