Father's Day Drabble

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Membrane's POV

I tossed and turned in my bed. The space next to me was cold. (Y/N) wasn't there anymore. I took a look at my clock. 11:21AM. I almost worried about being late for work, but remembered it was a weekend. The kids were home too. All was right minus the fact that (Y/N) wasn't there. I decided to pull myself out of the warm sheets and go look for them.

I put on some lazy-day clothes and started to walk down the stairs. (Y/N) was in the kitchen making something for breakfast. Upon a closer look, they were at the griddle making pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I slowly creeped up behind them and planted a sloppy kiss in their neck.

"Buenos días, mi amor. ¿Qué haces hoy?" I said, wrapping my arms around them from behind. They leaned backwards into me. Muy adorable.

"I'm making you and the kids breakfast, cariño." They said. "And no, I don't need any help. I told Foodio to rest for today and Clembrane is currently playing with the kids outside."

"Jaja, you always know what I'm going to say, mi cielo." I tucked my head into the crook of their neck. "Te quiero mucho."

"If you wanted tea, you just needed to ask!" They laughed. I smiled. (Y/N) was always joking around.

Dib and Gaz suddenly ran into the kitchen from the garage.

"Happy Father's Day, Dad!" Dib said, hugging my leg. Gaz wrapped herself around my other leg, saying a small "Happy Father's Day."

I took my arms from (Y/N) and hoisted my children onto my shoulders.

"Look at my wonderful children!" I boomed. "Look, (Y/N)! Look at our children!" (Y/N) flipped one last pancake and turned the griddle off before smiling and joining in the hug.

"Happy Father's Day, Miguel. Te amo mucho."

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