6.The Beginning

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This is the beginning
This is a fire and you're the only spark
(Startisan-The Beginning)

Clarke was freezing. She was walking through the hospital's parking, trying to find her car. It was always the same old story. Every morning she parked her car and then, when she finished her shift, she realized she had forgot where she had put her car. She sighed. She needed to find it or she would have been late.

"Clarke! Do you need help?" a young doctor asked her, guessing what the problem was.

"I'd like to say no, Jackson, but the truth is that yes, I need help. I can't found my car, again.". Her colleague laughed and pointed a grey car parked not far from them.

"Oh." Clarke muttered, ashamed.

"It's always a pleasure. See you tomorrow, doctor Griffin."

"Bye Jackson!" Clarke said goodbye to him, getting in the car. She checked her watch. It was really late. She drove her car through the narrow streets of Shallow Valley, paying attention to avoid a car crash. She parked her car and started walking, hoping to find it once the night would have been over. She finally arrived at the cafe. Callie's Cafe was her favorite place in the world. She had spent the whole teenage years there. Callie was her mom's best friend and she was like an aunt for Clarke and her friends. They used to go there every Friday and that was the place where Lexa had known almost the whole gang the previous week.

"Jasper, you're already here! How are you?" the blonde greeted her friend, entered the door.

"Hi Clarke. I'm fine, thank you. Don't you ask me how Maya is?". Clarke swallowed.

"Oh, yes, of course. How is Maya, Jasper?" she asked with a trembling voice. Jasper smiled hearing that name. She loved her. She wanted her friends to remember and include her.

"She's fine. We are so in love, Clarke. I love her so much."

"I know, Jasper. I know." Clarke hugged him. She sat next to him and ordered something to drink.

"Who are we waiting for tonight?" Jasper asked. It was Thursday, it meant that only few of them would have met that night.

"Anya, Raven, Lexa, Octavia and John. Is it okay for you?". Jasper nodded, satisfied. They waited a bit and Clarke went to the counter and greeted Callie. The woman welcomed her, so happy to see her.

"How are you, Clarke? It's been ages since we last met. You always come here on Friday night, when there is only Atom." the oldest woman told her.

"I am fine. It's just... You know, it's hard to see him like this." Clarke answered, pointing Jasper.

"I know, my dear. I know.". The blonde got lost in Callie's hug. When she saw Lexa, Raven and Anya arriving, she reached them. After few minutes, Octavia and John arrived too. Lexa had never met him, she only knew he had repaired her boiler while she was at work. John was a strange guy, he was really playful and ironic, but at the same time Lexa thought he didn't have much self-esteem. She learnt that his parents were farmers, owning a farm near Shallow Valley. His dad had died because of a fatal incident with is tractor and his mother had started blaming John for that, telling him he had distracted the man while playing. At the age of sixteen Murphy moved to Shallow Valley and started living to the Blakes. After High School he moved to a new apartment with Emori, his girlfriend, but struggled to find a job. He stayed unemployed, working hand-to-mouth.

"So, Jasper, how was your day?" Octavia asked to her friend.

"It was great! I helped Mrs Sydney to rescue her cat." Jasper told her, enthusiastic.

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