11.You Are A Beam Of Light

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I hear you cry
From the other side
'Cause we live in darker times
Open my eyes so I can see brighter
And you are a beam of light
(The Beths-You Are A Beam Of Light)

When Lexa woke up, she was surprised to be in her bed. She didn't even remember when she had fallen asleep. She yawned and stirred. Suddenly, she realized what had happened that night. She was getting up, when Clarke entered the room.

"Good morning, Lexa. How did you sleep?". The brunette looked at her, a bit confused.

"Aden! I mean..."

"I changed his bandage some hours ago, I'll check him out later. He's doing fine, his head hurts a bit, but it's normal, I guess. So, how did you sleep?". Lexa sighed. That woman was unbelievable.

"You didn't have to, you know that?". Clarke smiled at her. Her blue eyes were like windows to the sky. Lexa had never seen such amazing irises in her whole life. They were lively, full of joy and enthusiasm for everything. No one Lexa had met had such incredible eyes, not even Costia.

"I wanted to, Lexa. And you didn't answer me, though." Clarke replied, giggling. The brunette raised her hands. She laughed.

"Okay, you won. I slept well, I think. I didn't dream about strange monsters, so I think it was okay. I don't know how I could manage to reach my bed, but I'll figure it out.". The blonde blushed. She bit her lip, a little embarrassed.

"What?" Lexa asked.

"I... well, you fell asleep after our little chat and so... I hope you don't mind, I just wanted you to comfortably sleep in your bed." Clarke explained. Lexa understood and started shaking her head. She was having fun of Clarke's embarrassment. She found herself thinking of her life back in Polis. Before knowing Costia, she wasn't exactly so quiet and responsible. She had responsibilities, of course, but she had used to have her head on the clouds. She loved going to parties and it wasn't so unusual for her to wake up in strangers' bed, sometimes alone, sometimes with other people. Nobody had never simply brought her to her bed, without asking her for something more. And she had used to act the same, too. She had started living a more stable life after her marriage with Costia. This was one of the reasons why she had decided to move from Polis to Shallow Valley. She needed to try to keep on living in a certain way, not for her, but for Aden and Madi. They were too important to keep on staying with her stupid and violent friends. Lexa knew that Madi would have suffered a lot because of her choice, but the girl would have understood sooner or later.

"So, did you sleep there?" Lexa asked. Clarke nodded.

"I hope it's not a problem. I couldn't leave you alone, it wouldn't be fair. And I didn't want you to kill Madi.". They both laughed. A sudden doubt came to Lexa's mind. What if Clarke thought that she could be violent on Madi? It would have been horrible. However, even if she wanted to ask the blonde, she didn't say a word.

"What about having breakfast?" Clarke suggested. The brunette nodded and followed the doctor downstairs. Once in the kitchen, Lexa realized that they had no food at all, a part some milk and some cereals.

"Maybe there is some bread left somewhere. I'm so sorry, Clarke. Madi had to go buy groceries, but she didn't and so we have almost nothing. Lunch will be a disaster."

"Is this the reason why you two argued yesterday? Madi told me you had grounded her, she was terrified. She didn't want me to call you, Lexa. While we were waiting for you to arrive, she told me what had happened and really, I've never seen someone so scared." Clarke said. That horrendous doubt hit Lexa again.

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