28.Hold Onto Me

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Hold on to me
A place to lay your troubles down
That's what I'll be
(Music Travel Love-Hold Onto Me)

Roan had been waiting for Wick for two hours. He was leaning on the door of the mechanics' workshop, desperate. Where the hell is that idiot?, he wondered, snorting. He shook his head and decided to enter the workshop, where the mechanic gave him back the car.

"I repaired the radiator and changed the tires. I'm sorry that you had to wait a week, but Rendon is a very small town and I had to order the parts you need and bring the car to my workshop in Shallow Valley." he told Roan.

"Oh, don't worry. Here's the money, I'm sorry if I pay you in cash, but I own no cards. How can I say, I don't trust banks.". The mechanic smirked and accepted the money. He walked Roan to the car and gave him the keys.

"Thank you, mister..."

"Shaw. Miles Shaw. It was a pleasure. Remember, treat your car well. And have a nice day.". Roan waved him goodbye and started the car. Once on the road again, he found Wick on the sidewalk, with a beautiful girl at his side. Roan couldn't believe it.

"Hi, my friend. This is Frances, she is..."

"I don't care! Move your fucking ass and get in the car, you idiot!" Roan ordered, angry. Wick bowed his head and obeyed, in silence.

"You've lost your mind! We have to move and go to Austin, in order to find Gaia and understand where Lexa is!" he yelled. Wick scratched his chin, without saying anything.

"I was just bored, we stayed in that sleepy town for an entire week." he tried to justify himself.

"You were bored? I remembered that it was your fault if we had to stop here. This is not a game and the more I get to know you, the less I can understand what Luna sees in you.". Roan was furious. Wick sighed. He shook his head, while looking out the window. It was starting to rain. He suddenly turned to Roan, with an indecipherable gaze on the face.

"You think that I am stupid, that I can't understand what is going on. Well, you're wrong. I perfectly know where we are going and why. And I perfectly know why Luna forced me to leave with you. She wanted to save my life, aware that the Council would have killed me once they would have dismantle her clan. I'm not a stupid, Roan. And I'm not blind, at all. I may not know her personally, but it's clear how much you care about Lexa, even if you constantly deny it.". Roan didn't reply. He didn't know what to say. And so, the two men continued their trip to Austin in silence, leaving Rendon and ignoring the small signal reciting Shallow Valley on their left.


Clarke slowly opened her eyes and almost jolted when she noticed that she wasn't alone on her couch. No, it's not my couch, she realized. She smiled. Lexa and she should have fallen asleep together. The brunette was still sleeping and Clarke found herself admiring her. She had never noticed that tattoo on the basis of her neck, an infinite symbol. She wondered what its meaning would have been. Maybe it's about Costia, she thought. Clarke managed to get up somehow and headed to the bathroom. She washed herself and decided to preparare breakfast. However, while she was looking for the coffee, Clarke saw some papers and a pen on the table and she couldn't help, but she found herself on the other couch, drawing Lexa. She was too perfect while sleeping, almost serene. The blonde was so lost in drawing, that she didn't immediately notice that Lexa had started talking, probably haunted by a nightmare.

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