19.Ghost Of Days Gone By

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The misery I know
Like a friend that won't let go
Is creeping up on me now once again
Do you ever cry
For the ghost of days gone by
(Alter Bridge-Ghost Of Days Gone By)

"Madi." a tender voice called her.


"Madi. Wake up, honey.". The girl opened her eyes slowly, not really wanting to.

"L-Lexa? What time is it?" she asked, still half asleep.

"It's eight o'clock. We have to hurry if we want to arrive at Clarke's in time.". Madi rolled on her belly and covered her head with the pillow, muttering something that Lexa couldn't fully understand.

"Madi." she called her with a firm voice, but the girl didn't react. The woman looked at the clock and threw Madi's pillow away, in order for her to get up.

"What the f-...". She stopped, gazing at Lexa. She had promised to treat her in a better way and she still wanted to try.

"I mean... Okay, I'm getting dressed.". Lexa furrowed her brows, still not getting used to that new Madi. She patted her shoulder and went out of the room, heading to the kitchen. She waited for her kids to join her and prepared them breakfast. After they had eaten and brushed their teeth, Lexa invited them to get in the car and locked the door.

"So, are you ready?"

"Yes!" Aden answered enthusiastically. Lexa gazed at Madi, that looked a bit listless.

"Yes, can't wait." the girl said, ironic. Lexa groaned and started the car, driving to Clarke. She was excited. She had never hiked in her entire life. She had always lived in Polis and Titus had never brought her elsewhere. He had never taken her on holiday and she realized in that moment that she had never had much fun in her life. She sighed and kept driving. Clarke was waiting for them in the yard outside her house, with a big backpack next to her. Aden got out of the car and ran greeting her, followed by Madi. Lexa didn't exactly know what to do. She couldn't stop thinking about the fact that she had almost kissed Clarke. Should she have to talk about that with her? And what about Madi? She shook her head. It was no time and place for such questions. She joined her kids and tried to avoid Clarke's eyes. When the doctor saw them, she looked at them, incredulous.

"Is everything okay?" Lexa asked, confused. Maybe it's because of Friday, she thought, frightened.

"Well, are you serious? Do you really want to go hiking wearing those shoes?". Lexa didn't know what to say. The kids and she were wearing some sneakers and it was obvious that they weren't the best for hiking.

"Follow me, I should have some boots for the kids.". They followed her to the garage, where she gave them some old boxes.

"I used these boots when I was a kid, they are old, but functional. Luckily I didn't leave them to mom's." she said. "Lexa, you can take my boots.". The brunette gasped.

"No, I can't. What about you?" she started panicking, but Clarke stopped, smiling. Lexa found herself lost in it. Clarke's smile was so warm and reassuring. It was familiar and reminded her of home , whatever that meant.

"Don't worry, I'll wear technical mountaineering shoes." she explained. Lexa asked herself how it was possible for Clarke to be so calm with her around. The brunette was dying inside because of anxiety, while the doctor looked so quiet.

"These shoes aren't coffortable." Aden stated, frowning. Clarke smiled at him, caressing his tiny head.

"It's your first time wearing such shoes, isn't it?". The child nodded. "They need time for you to feel them more comfortable. They're a bit more rigid than normal shoes because you need your feet to stand still into them. This is the only way for you to avoid incidents hiking.". Aden mimicked an Oh on is lips and turned to Lexa, showing her his boots.

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